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Linked list based assignment for data structure.

##Errors (Yet to be fixed): *Call to functions like append and prepend not working after a call to union or intersection is made although they work just fine if a call to union or intersection is not made.

##Important Notes: *Counting for the purpose of user input starts at 1. *The program takes care of reducing it by 1 to make the actual start from 0.

##Details about structure Students: Data Members: *rollNo (integer): Stores the roll number of the student. *name (string): Stores the name of the student. *marks (float): Stores the marks of the student.

Member Functions:
*overloaded operator "<<" (friend) to allow use of cout. Returns an output stream object.
*overloaded operator ">>" (friend) to allow use of cin. Returns an input stream object.
*operator '==' to check if two students are the same. It returns a boolean value to check equality.
*Constructor Students() to allow declaration without providing parameter.
*Constructor Students(const Students &) to copy data from existing object.
*Students (int, string, double) to initialize with given data.
*~Students: Destructor which does nothing in the current implementation but can be utilized if we allocate memory dynamically.

*node is an alias for Students.
*link is an alias for node*.
*Node is an alias for link.

##Details about class LinkedList: Data Members: *head (Node): Points to the first node. *count: Keeps track of the current size of the list.

Member Functions:
*LinkedList(): Constructor that initializes the head and count.
*~LinkedList(): Destructor which deletes the entire list while freeing the memory used by each node.
*PrependNode(): Adds a new node at the beginning of the list.
*AppendNode(): Adds a new node at the end of the list.
*InsertNode(): Inserts a new node after the student whose roll number is provided.
*SearchNode(): Searches and prints the details of the student based on the roll number.
*PrintNode(): Prints the node based on the roll number.
*PrintList(): Prints the entire list on the screen.
*DeleteFirstNode(): Deletes the first node and changes head to point to the next node.
*DeleteLastNode(): Deletes the last node from the list.
*ReverseList(): Reverses the order of the list such that the last node is now the head and the head is the last node.
*ListUnion() (friend): Prints the nodes of two list while printing ignoring the second appearance of the same node.
*ListIntersection() (friend): Prints the nodes which are common to both the list.
*FindMthToLast(): Prints the Mth node from the end of the list.

##Structure of saving the file: Header files: *student.h: Declares the structure Students. *LinkedList.h: Declares the class LinkedList.

Implementation files:
*student.cpp: Defines the functions of the structure Students.
*LinkedList.cpp: Defines the functions of the class LinkedList.
*main.cpp: It is the interface file which also contains int main () and the program begins execution at this file.
*makefile.mak: A GNU makefile to automate the compilation and linking process.

##Notes about compilation: Compilation method: *Compiled on g++ with C++ standard set to C++14. *Should work fine on slightly older standards like C++11. *Created a make file which does the entire compilation by itself.

##Error Log Errors during initial testing: *Overloading of "<<" and ">>" not working: FIXED- iostream not included in student.h *Printing random hexadecimal value instead of the node details: FIXED- iterator not dereferenced. *ListIntersection is not working: FIXED - Forgot to dereference in equality check *ListUnion is not working properly: FIXED - Forgot to dereference in equality check *InsertNode is not working properly: FIXED - Iteration overlooked. *SearchNode not working: FIXED - Iteration step overlooked. *DeleteLastNode not working: FIXED - Iteration step overlooked. *ReverseList is not working: FIXED - Last node of the reversed list didn't point to NULL.

##Odd behaviours Weird behavious due to unexpected input: *Two nodes in any particular list should not have same roll number but that is not being checked (to avoid linear time complexity for prepend) *Current implementation does not allow for addition of new nodes once second time.


Linked list based assignment for data structure.







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