A Python port of the thumbhash encoder by Evan Wallace
Install thumbhash with pip
pip install thumbhash
Optionally install with pillow support:
pip install thumbhash[pillow]
Encode a RGBA array to a ThumbHash
from thumbhash import rgba_to_thumb_hash
rgba = [100, 85, 15, 255, 100, 84, 32, 255,...]
width = 100
height = 75
thumb_hash = rgba_to_thumb_hash(rgba, width, height) # [86, 8, 10, 13, 128, 22, 234, 86, 111, 117, ...]
Open an image using pillow, scale down to max dimensions of 100x100 and encode to a ThumbHash
from thumbhash import image_to_thumb_hash
thumb_hash = image_to_thumb_hash('image.jpg') # [86, 8, 10, 13, 128, 22, 234, 86, 111, 117, ...]
As of now this library only handles the conversion of images to hashes, not the reverse.