Excuse me... do you want a shell? Checkout Myshell it is easy to use!
It already comes with many prebuilt commands !
- cd Typed alone this takes you to your "home" directory, but "cd $subdirectory" takes you to that directory
- clr This command clears everything on the screen giving you just the line you are typing into
- dir Lists everything contained in the directory you are working in
- echo Prints out whatever is typed next to it in a new line
- environ Prints out all "environment variable" of your current environment
- help Gives you a list of builtin commands and an uplifting message
- pause Pauses the shell to wait for user to press any key followed by the enter key
- quit Closes the application and returns you to where yu were when you first called myshell
A user can also call other commands that are not builtin as long as they are valid
This only supports one command at a time and does not work with piping or redirection!