Simple ArduPilot DIY Cape for the BeagleBone Black (BBB)
- Have fun to build your own BBB ArduPilot Cape
- Easy start to ArduPilot Linux development
- No SMD soldering required
- BeagleBone Black
- BeagleBone Black Proto Cape with IMU MPU-9250 breakout board and Baro MS5611 breakout board (try to get a GY-9250 and GY-63 breakout board)
- Spektrum Satellit SPM 9645, SBUS, PPM-Sum
- Level shifter 3.3 Volt to 5 Volt (bidirectional)
Click here for further instruction how to assemble the board and the pin assignment.
For instructions how to get, build, test and run the software click here.
- RT-Kernel
- MPU-9250 (via SPI)
- MS5611 (via SPI)
- RCInput with Spektrum SPM 9645
- RCOutput
- GPS uBlox NEO-M8N (5Hz with GPS + GLONASS)
- IP connection via WLAN to Ground Station (APM Planner)
- Connection to Ground Station (APM Planner) via radio module
- dts file for BBBMINI
- Solder the breakout boards on a prototype cape, so it is reliable to fly.
- First flight on March 16, 2015
- Create documentation / schematic
- Develop a BBBMINI printed circuit board
- Add CAN bus for UAVCAN
- Add HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module support to BBBMINI