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Smart Home Dashboard with server-side rendering in NodeJS with TypeScript & PostgresQL


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Custom Smart Home Dashboard (NodeJS + TypeScript)

A Smart Home Dashboard that is designed to display data and information in the browser of any device. An alternative to solutions like Home Assistant to let the client completely customize layouts and easily create any service/integration themselves in TypeScript. The features of the application can be integrated in a modular manner with/without dependencies to other features or services.

The NodeJS backend makes use of modern JavaScript/TypeScript functionalities. The frontend is designed to work with older JavaScript browsers as well (ECMA2016+). Therefore, devices as old tablets are able to run the application as well. If support for older browsers is not an issue, modern syntax or even using frontend frameworks like React or Angular should be no problem. The application is unauthenticated and unidentified, meaning that every client that visits the application in the browser will see exactly the same.

WebSockets have been integrated using the library (older version to support older browsers) with the goal to increase data freshness and to decrease the number of unnecessary HTTP requests between the client and the server. When the client navigates to a certain page it emits a message to the server to notify the services existing on that page that a client wants to be updated periodically. When the client leaves the page, this subscription ends and the data will not be fetched periodically anymore until a client subscribes again. This mechanism prevents the server from fetching an unnecessary amount of data from public APIs, therefore limiting the load on both the server and the number of API requests.

Key Features:

  • Full-stack unauthenticated application in NodeJS/TypeScript using the Express web application framework
  • Server-side rendering using the EJS templating engine and Bootstrap for responsive layouts
  • HTTPS server support using SSL certificates
  • for direct communication between backend and frontend
  • typeORM for managing/synchronizing TypeScript models with PostgreSQL
  • typedi handles dependency injection through decorators for services as Singleton-like classes in containers
  • routing-controllers to create controllers with methods as actions that handle Express requests
  • dotenv to load environment variables (.env) into process.env
  • class-transformer to transform plain objects to class instances
  • class-validator for decorator based validation
  • winston for multiple level logging
  • eslint as linter for JavaScript and TypeScript


  • Spotify playback to a local device and browse media for logged-in user
  • Weather forecasting using OpenWeatherMap API and rain forecast using
  • Map route estimation using GoogleMaps API and train route estimation using NS API
  • Home automation control of various KlikAanKlikUit (KaKu) switches, dimmers, or coloring devices and energy usage/production monitoring using KaKu ICS-2000 and Smart Meter (with P1 port)
  • Calendars and events browsing
  • Tasks/Todo list
  • Cryptocurrencies price tracker

Application Setup

Installation instructions

  1. Clone repo
  2. Install node and npm (and possibly other package managers like yarn)
  3. Install PostgreSQL manually or using docker-compose.yml. If using docker, adjust the user, password, and database name inside the YAML file. After starting postgres, create the database in PostgreSQL using the command-line or adjust the settings inside the /tools/ executable and run npm run db.
  4. Rename .env.example to .env in the root directory and adjust the settings for the application, postgres, or API urls
  5. Run npm install to install all dependencies. In case there are some issues, run npm install --force or npm install --legacy-peer-deps instead. Then, you have to patch the modules defined inside the /patches directory using npm run install:patch.
  6. Run npm run dev to build and start the application with active file monitoring using nodemon
  7. To create a production version run npm run build, copy all files to the hosting provider or server (including .env), and run npm start or forever . inside the root directory

Environment variables

Most environment variables are required to execute the application. To enable HTTPS you have to place the key and certificate files inside the SSL_CERT_SRC_DIR folder and edit the SSL_KEY and SSL_CERT variables to match the file names. The server will automatically try to find and use the files, and setup an HTTPS or HTTP based on the outcome.

IP IP address of the server string
PORT preferred port number 3002
WEBSITE_TITLE title of the application in the browser string
SSL_CERT_SRC_DIR directory of the SSL key/certificate string src
SSL_KEY SSL key file name string key.pem
SSL_CERT SSL certificate file name string cert.pem
TYPEORM_HOST Host for the Postgres database string localhost
TYPEORM_USERNAME Database username string
TYPEORM_PASSWORD Database password string
TYPEORM_DATABASE Database name string nodets_dash_dev
TYPEORM_PORT Database port number 5432
TYPEORM_SYNCHRONIZE Sync entity with the database upon application execution boolean true
TYPEORM_LOGGING Database logging options boolean, string, string[], Logger true
NS_TRIPS_URL NS API Trips url string
SPOTIFY_TOKEN_URL Spotify API Token url string
SPOTIFY_PLAYER_URL Spotify API Player url string
GOOGLE_DISTANCE_URL Google API Distance url string
GOOGLE_GEOCODE_URL Google API Geocode url string
WEATHER_LOCATION_URL Location url based on external IP address string
WEATHER_FORECAST_URL OpenWeatherMap API url string
WEATHER_RAIN_URL Buienradar url string
CRYPTO_MARKETS_URL Coingecko API url string
KAKU_ACCOUNT_URL KlikAanKlikUit API Account url string
KAKU_GATEWAY_URL KlikAanKlikUit API Gateway url (if local HTTP requests, put ./tools/gateway.php on some server to bypass CORS issue) string or ./tools/gateway.php in repo
KAKU_ENTITY_URL KlikAanKlikUit API Entity url string
KAKU_P1_URL KlikAanKlikUit API Energy url string


The following scripts can run using npm run ${script} except npm start which reserved by npm.

clean removes the /dist directory
copy-assets copies static folders/files to the /dist directory as defined in /tools/copyAssets.ts
lint lints and fixed all .js and .ts files
tsc runs the typescript compiler
db create/start the Postgres database script as defined in /tools/
browserify bundles and converts the frontend scripts, including modules
build build the application by cleaning, copying assets, linting, compiling, bundling scripts
dev:start builds and starts the application
dev nodemon that watches changes .ts, .ejs, .css files in /src and rebuilds and starts the application
start starts the application using forever
force-install force install all modules with npm
patch patches modules as defined in the /patches directory
install:patch executes both force-install and patch

Application Structure

The index.ts file contains imports and definitions to start the server, connect to the database and initialize to the services.

Loaders (/loaders)

The loaders are used to add and setup functionality to the server and application. This application uses three such loaders and are executed in index.ts. All loaders are required to successfully start the application.

  • typeORMLoader makes the connection with the database using typeORM. It connects to the database and synchronizes all TypeScript models with the PostgresQL database entities. After this, it automatically seeds the database with some predefined settings (if missing) as defined in the same file that are deemed required by the application or services.
  • expressLoader sets the Express server up with all controllers, middleware, HTTPS/HTTP, sockets, and listens for incoming requests.
  • serviceLoader makes sure that all services that require initialization, i.e. must be constructed before it is usable, are available inside a typedi Container. Every service that must explicitly be initialized before it is used somewhere must be defined inside this loader using Container.get(...).

Middleware (/middlewares)

The middleware functions add functionality to the Express server after a request is received or before a response is sent. This application only uses a middleware that is fired after receipt of a response for error handling.

Models (/models & /repositories)

The models describe and handle the entities with the database. TypeORM makes sure the TypeScript models are automatically adjusted in the database during initialization when the synchronize property is set to true in the /loaders/typeORMLoader.ts file. Each model, as defined in the expressLoader.ts file, is added to and synchronized with the database using typeORM.

Services (/services)

Services are the base for the functionalies of the dashboard and represent features consisting of static/dynamic functionalities with/without data from the database and/or API requests. Services are containerized such that these services are represented as Singleton instances that are available application-wide using Container.get(NameService) in any backend TypeScript file.

If a service wants to communicate with the database it can use a repository. These repositories allow you to conveniently handle the communication with the database using Object-Relational Mapping. A repository must be injected into a service to be able to use the built-in functions like find, save, or delete of the Repository. You can also choose to define your own repository in a separate file that allows you to extend the default functionality with your own.

export class SettingService {
    private repository: Repository<Setting>;

As the application is modular, new services can easily be created and integrated. A service can extend the BaseService class that includes basic access to general functions and integration for sockets. When the service should only handle ORM functionalities it must include the repository import the corresponding repository file in the constructor using constructor(@OrmRepository() private modelRepository: ModelRepository) {}. To create a service execute the following steps.

  1. Create a file NameService.ts inside the services directory
  2. Initialize the service in the /loaders/serviceLoader.ts file by adding Container.get(NameService) to the initializeServices method
  3. Inside the service define the class with the service decorator. In the constructor define the code that is executed once on initialization
@Service()                                  @Service()
export class NameService {                  export class NameService extends BaseService {
    constructor() {                             constructor() {
        ...                                         super("NameService");
    }                                               ...
}                                               }
  1. By extending the BaseService, you can choose to communicate with clients through sockets and get access to some reusable methods. The BaseService automatically registers the service to the SocketService that handles the setup of the sockets and actions like emitting and listening for messages between server and client. In your custom service you therefore have to extend the init, activate, and event methods from the BaseService to add your own functionality.
  • The init method contains the code that is executed everytime the client announces itself to the service, e.g. enables periodic data fetching.
  • The activate method contains the code that is executed everytime the client acknowledges receipt of the previous emitted data/information by the server. It is therefore perfectly suited to let the corresponding service know that a client is still interested to keep updating and receiving the data. Instead of periodically fetching data from public APIs, the service is able to temporarily stop fetching the data while there is no client currently expecting or listening to this data.
  • The event method contains the code that is executed upon receipt of such a message from the frontend/client. This message additionally contains a payload value object to transmit information from the client to the server. The event message is completely optional and does not clash with the init and activate methods.
  • The client JavaScript code must contain the code to receive and emit messages from/to the server. Upon the page load the client emits the init message to the server with data that consists out of the service name and a message identifier that can be recognized by the server. When the client receives a message from the server it firstly acknowledges it by emitting an activate message and secondly do something with the received data.
socket.emit("init", { 
	service: "NameService", 
    type: "message emit id..."

socket.on("message receive id...", function (data: object) {
    socket.emit("activate", { 
		service: "NameService", 
        type: "message emit id..."

    ... // do something with the received data

socket.emit("event", { 
	service: "NameService", 
    type: "message emit event id...", 
    value: { ... }
  1. If you want to communicate with the database using ORM you can inject the repository of the corresponding as properties. You then have access to repository methods like this.repository.find() or Calendar(...)) from the Repository class from typeORM.
export class CalendarService extends BaseService {
    private repository: Repository<Calendar>;
    constructor () {

Application Services (required)

The Application Services are required as it provides functionality for other services.


The BaseService contains basic functionality with regard to the SocketService. Every service that extends this service will be able to communicate with clients using WebSockets. The service will register itself as a listener to the SocketService upon initialization. Then, the incoming messages will only be forwarded to this service when the message is designated for it. The service that extends the SocketService must extend the init, activate, and event methods to add its own logic. To send a message to a client the service can execute the emit method with the event name (string) and data (generic type) as arguments.

The BaseService provides entrypoints for the LoggerService and SettingService such that children of the BaseService have direct access to them as well. Every (feature) service can be enabled or disabled using an HTTP request from the frontend to the backend API. The BaseService provides a method isServiceEnabled() that returns the current state of the service, stored in the database. It furthermore contains methods to get or set settings in the database and a direct method to get an API key from the database as well. Additional functionality can easily be added to provide even more default functionality for its child services.


The SocketService setups the sockets with clients and exists out of several socket listeners. To connect with clients it listens for connection requests and keeps track of the currently connected clients. It will register disconnect events as well. Requests on the init and activate events will be forwarded to one of the registered services, if available.


The LoggerService enables server-side logging using the winston module. There are multiple levels of logging available: error, warn, info, and http. All log entries are added to the corresponding file in the logs folder. These logs can be displayed on the logs page on the frontend as well.


The SettingService handles the ORM of the Setting model. It is used to store data that is required by the application and services. On the settings page every piece of information can be created, edited or deleted. With the default integrated services is stores:

  • API keys (OpenWeatherMap API, Google API, NS API)
  • Spotify client ID and secret, name of local Spotify speaker, device ID to turn speaker on/off (requires DevicesService)
  • KlikAanKlikUit username and password, local IP address of ICS-2000 hub, blacklisted devices
  • Integrated service states. The state of a service is implicitly enabled by default, meaning that the state of the service is not stored in the database.
  • Other settings like a manual location for the WeatherService

On the settings page there is a button on the top right that restarts the server from the frontend without the command line. In some situations it may be necessary to restart the server due to changes in settings or errors.

Feature Services (optional)

These services define the functionality of the features. You can choose to edit or remove integrated services or to add your own service.

SpotifyService (BaseService | API | Socket)

The SpotifyService communicates with the authenticated Spotify API using a client ID and secret. First you have to create an application in the Spotify API console that will generate a client ID and secret. You also have to set the redirect URL of the application to the /spotify/callback endpoint of this application, e.g. https://localhost:3002/spotify/callback. That will make sure that the browser will redirect to this URL after it has logged in. Inside the service we have defined a set of scopes/permission that define the actions we can execute on behalf of the logged-in user. These scopes are sent along during the login request. The Spotify API returns an access token, which is required in any subsequent request to authorize the user, a refresh token to get a new access token after the previous has expired, and an expiration time of 3600 seconds. The service is then able to change playback of Spotify (play, pause, next, previous), read and play content like playlists, artists, albums, and tracks, search and like content, and set volume of device (plus/min 5% of current volume).

The service has been implemented for a Spotify-enabled RaspberryPI and an old amplifier that is controlled by a KlikAanKlikUit switch. Therefore, the service may not be working as expected for other users that use a dedicated Spotify-enabled device. Every time the user changes playback it tries to set the playback device to the Spotify device that is named as defined, and can be changed, in the SettingService with specification spotify_device_name. This is account specific and should be changed to be named equal to your own Spotify speaker name in your Spotify API console. We additionally provide an option to turn on/off the switch connected with the amplifier as defined in the SettingService as well, with specification spotify_speaker_id that equals the device ID from the DevicesService. It is however very likely that this option can be removed as most dedicated Spotify speakers will be on standby and not controlled using KlikAanKlikUit.

The Spotify player on the home and spotify pages will automatically update when the playback status of the Spotify speaker changes. The RaspberryPi will send an API request to the backend when it detects a change in playback. This should be modified in some way or another to make it work for your own setup.

Internally, the service is dependent on the spotify-web-api-node module that handles all communication with the Spotify API. The service will return its current state based on the authorization status, and will show errors when available. This service can be enabled or disabled manually using the service setting. When fetching of data fails it will automatically be disabled.

WeatherService (BaseService | API | Socket)

The WeatherService fetches the geolocation of the server, the weather forecast from the OpenWeatherMap API for the coming seven days and the rain forecast for the coming next hours. Before the weather and rain forecast can be fetched we must have a location in terms of the latitude, longitude, and city. You can either define the location manually in the settings or fetch it from a website based on the server's IP address. The manual location must be inserted into the settings with type weather and specification location and the value is a JSON object-string consisting of the lat, lon, and city: { "lat": 50.000, "lon": 4.000, "city": "MyCity" }. If this manual location could not be fetched or is not deemed to be correct, the service will automatically fallback to fetching the server's location.

Both the forecast and rain will be fetched when a location exists. The weather forecast will request the OpenWeatherAPI and then format the data in a defined format. The rain forecast will be fetched and converted to a HTML SVG element and stored as a string.

This service can be enabled or disabled manually using the service setting. When fetching of data fails it will automatically be disabled.

MapService (requires AddressService & MapRouteService) (BaseService | API | Socket)

The MapService fetches the routes between two addresses in both directions using the Google Distance Matrix API. It will then return the reformatted data consisting of the origin, destination, distance, duration, and traffic. A route is defined by the MapRoute model and Address model. Next to fetching route information, this service also makes use of the Google Geocode API to transform an address-string to a latitude-longitude object as this information is needed to determine the origin and destination.

The frontend additionally makes use of the Google Maps API to display the route on an embedded map, including traffic.

This service can be enabled or disabled manually using the service setting. When fetching of data fails it will automatically be disabled.

AddressService (required for MapService) (Database)

The AddressService handles the ORM of the Address model and represent the origin and destination in a MapRoute. The user must add such an address manually in the travel page to then use it in a route. The service itself only cares about the database actions.

MapRouteService (required for MapService) (Database)

The MapRouteService handles the ORM of the MapRoute model and uses the addresses defined in the Address model. The routes must be defined manually in the travel page. The routes between these addresses are then used to fetch route information in the MapService. The service itself only cares about the database actions.

NSService (requires TrainStationService & TrainRouteService) (BaseService | API | Socket)

The NSService fetches the routes between stations using the NS API. To be able to fetch information about the train routes, the service has to fetch the existing stations from the API first. The user can then add the stations fetched from the API to the database using the TrainStation model and then select one of these stored stations as origin or destination in the TrainRoute model. Each stored train route the information is periodically fetched from the API, formatted, and stored inside the service.

This service can be enabled or disabled manually using the service setting. When fetching of data fails it will automatically be disabled.

TrainStationService (required for NSService) (Database)

The TrainStationService handles the ORM of the TrainStation model and represent the origin and destination in a TrainRoute. The service itself only cares about the database actions.

TrainRouteService (required for NSService) (Database)

The TrainRouteService handles the ORM of the TrainRoute model and uses the train stations defined in the TrainStation model. The routes must be defined manually in the travel page. The routes between these stations are then used to fetch route information in the NSService. The service itself only cares about the database actions.

DevicesService (BaseService | API | Socket)

The DevicesService fetches the devices from the KlikAanKlikUit API, communicates with the local ICS-2000 hub, executes commands to devices, and is able to fetch energy readings when the hub is conncected to a smart energy meter. First the service must login to the API to retrieve information as the homeID, AES key and MAC address of the hub that is used in every subsequent request. Then the service tries to discover the hub locally, or fallback to a defined local hub address in the settings. With knowledge of the local hub the service can directly send commands to the hub instead of having to request the API. The devices, scenes, and energy readings all have to be fetched from the API. The former two are stored inside the service and the energy readings are stored using the Energy model and EnergyService. The retrieved data is encrypted and can be decrypted locally using the AES key received from the API. The decrypted data contains information about the device such as its type, functions, and current state.

Each device and switch can be different in type, model, brand, etc. Currently, only a selection of models are defined inside the service and each model has a different id and functions. There is also a difference in settings, such as minimum and maximum dim value, for each brand and model, and therefore requires custom handling inside the service.

  • KlikAanKlikUit: Switch, Light, Dimmer
  • Zigbee: Switch, Light, Dimmer, Color (RGB + Tunable)
  • Energy module

Each device supports different functions which are defined in the service for the devices mentioned above. All devices, except the energy module allow the device to be turned on or off. Devices are dimmable only if the device is a dimmer or coloring. Only for coloring devices you can determine the warmth of the light. Apart from the device actions, we can also execute scenes as defined in the KlikAanKlikUit API and application. Scenes execute (multiple) actions at the same time. As mentioned in the SpotifyService, there is a connection between the DevicesService and the SpotifyService as it is possible to turn a Spotify device on or off when it is connected with for example a switch. We can therefore set and get the spotify_speaker_id value from the settings to turn the device on or off.

Energy readings are obtained directly from the API. We can fetch live energy readings and historical energy readings. The former fetches a list of numbers that denote the current power usage and production, the total power and gas usage, the total power production, and water usage (if connected to the smart meter). The live energy readings are stored inside the service and the historical readings are processed to showcase the total usage and information of every day and stored in the database using the EnergyService. The API only keeps the energy readings for the last 30 days.

This service can be enabled or disabled manually using the service setting. When fetching of data fails it will automatically be disabled.

EnergyService (requires DevicesService) (Database)

The EnergyService handles the ORM of the Energy model which is also used in the DevicesService. The service itself only cares about the database actions.

CalendarService (BaseService | Database)

The CalendarService handles the ORM of the Calendar model and fetches the events of these calendars. On the calendar page the user can add, edit, or delete a calendar. The service additionally fetches and parses the calendars with their corresponding events, and stores these events in the service.

This service can be enabled or disabled manually using the service setting. It will not be disabled when fetching of a calendar fails.

TaskService (Database)

The TaskService handles the ORM of the Task model and is independent from any other service and API. It gives the user a possibility to create flagged or unflagged tasks, and finish or delete tasks. The inserted, updated, or removed tasks are automatically synchronized using the sockets.

This service can be enabled or disabled manually using the service setting.

CryptoService (BaseService | API | Socket)

The CryptoService fetches information about cryptocurrencies from the CoinGecko API. The API does not require authentication in form of keys. It also provides functionality to add or delete coins to/from the database using the Asset model. These assets can be shown on for example the home page.

This service can be enabled or disabled manually using the service setting. When fetching of data fails it will automatically be disabled.

Controllers (/controllers)

The controllers define the routes inside the application for the pages and API. The frontend routes are defined in RouteController and contain routes that are conveniently composed using decorators with the routing-controllers module. The return object contains all the data that is required in the view template. All routes either use the @Render("index.ejs") decorator to set the view template of the response or redirects to another route using the @Redirect() decorator. The request method must be set using @Get(path) decorator (or other HTTP method) with its path as argument. The navigation items for links to other pages used in the AppSwitcher must be defined in this controller as well and each item takes a path, label, icon, iconActive, and an optional customClasses value.

For every other service, apart from services that do not need an API or it has a parent service, a separate controller is defined. Each controller is setup using the @JsonController() decorator which returns serialized JSON data with the content type of the response set to application/json. The AppController contains API endpoints for the application itself. The TravelController is responsible for the API endpoints of both the MapService and NSService, and its dependents AddressService, MapRouteService, TrainStationService, and TrainRouteService. The other controllers are responsible for the endpoints of the corresponding service.

Events (/events)

The event script define the JavaScript functionality for the frontend pages. These scripts are compiled, bundled and placed in the dist/events directory. To not execute the JavaScript code before the entire page has been loaded we have added an event listener for the DOMContentLoaded event. Unfortunately, the script currently does not use event delegation. This should increase the performance of the application as less event listeners have to be added and re-added after the DOM has been updated with new data. The frontend script must connect and reconnect to sockets before it is able to emit and receive messages.

const io = require("");
const socket = io();

// Functions

function onPageLoad(): void {
	const page = document.querySelector("body").getAttribute("data-page");

	socket.on("connect", function () {
		console.log("Connected to server with id: ",;

	socket.on("disconnect", function (reason: string) {
		console.log("Disconnected from server and reconnecting: ", reason);

	socket.on("connect_error", function (reason: object) {
		console.log("Connection error: ", reason);

	socket.on("reconnect_error", function (reason: object) {
		console.log("Reconnect error: ", reason);

	socket.on("reconnect_failed", function () {
		console.log("Reconnect failed");

	socket.on("reconnecting", function () {

	socket.on("reconnect", function () {
    // do something when the page has been loaded

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onPageLoad);

This application is build to support older browsers (ECMA2016+), and therefore arrow functions and other modern functionalities cannot be used. If you don't care about older browsers you could use modern JavaScript syntax and functionalities.

Views (/views)

The fronted views are defined in the /views directory. The index.ejs acts as entrypoint for all pages. It defines the basic page structure and inserts partial files like the head and nav, and the dynamic templates based on the current page. The /views/pages directory contains the templates of the individual pages that are inserted in the index.ejs file. The /views/widgets directory contains all page templates in subfolders that are inserted an re-used in other page or widget templates. These templates are also fetched and rendered in the DOM in the frontend scripts.

/views/ contains index.ejs and all template files in the subfolders, copied to the dist directory after build
/views/partials contains partial template files to be included in the general layout (head, nav, footer, ...)
/views/pages contains the page template files
/views/widgets contains subfolders with template files of corresponding page/service

Assets (/assets)

Contains static files like css, fonts, img, and js. The entire directory is copied to the /dist folder during the build process of the application. The files are then included in the template views.

Types (/types)

The types folder contains custom defined types and TypeScript module declaration files. It is not required to put all custom types in separate files inside this folder, however, it is a common convention to do so as it groups all the types together and keeps other files cleaner.


Copyright © 2022. This project is MIT licensed.


Smart Home Dashboard with server-side rendering in NodeJS with TypeScript & PostgresQL





