A lightweight clientside JSON document store modeled after Lawnchair.
It is meant to simulate a database for demo applications that require only a small amount of data where it would be overkill to use a traditional database.
Deckchair uses adaptors to implement the actual database functions like its inspiration Lawnchair. At the moment, the only implemented adaptor is ApacheDB(Derby).
Include the deckchair jar, Apache DB and the org.json jar on the path of your app.
all() Retrieve a collection of all records save([:]) Save a record get(String) Retrieve a record by its UUID find(Closure) Find records that satisfy a condition remove(String) Remove a record by passing the object key remove(Object) Remove a record by passing the object nuke() Removes all records from the database
Functions show above with their required properties. Every function except remove and nuke can be passed a closure to act on the elements that is executed after the primary action is completed.
Flat File