A simple script inspired by Rizzo and Octopress for generating static sites and blogs with Groovy.
groovy GRASS.groovy -s source -d destination
The first thing you need for a GRASS powered site is a site-config.groovy
file. This file contains some of the constants that will be used in the packaged templates and to override default configurations. Below is a minimalist site-config.groovy
site {
title = "Some Guy's Blog"
subtitle = ""
author = "Some Guy"
email = "[email protected]"
url = "http://someguyblogs.com"
twitter = "https://twitter.com/someguy"
github = "https://github.com/someguy"
As you create your own templates and modify the included ones, feel free to add whatever constants you desire to this file.
A blog post in GRASS takes the general form of a Markdown document with a couple of extras.
title 'Introducing GRASS'
tag 'Technology', 'Groovy', 'GRASS'
My text here
<!-- more -->
More text here. Link to [something][1]
[1]: http://example.com
In the sample GRASS post listed above, the nonstandard bits are a code block marked by <% %>
containing the title and tags and an HTML comment <!-- more -->
. Everything else is standard Markdown. The code block is used by GRASS to make the title header and by several plugins related to tags:
- the tags plugin, which generates a listing of all posts, and,
- the feeds plugin, which generates an Atom feed of all posts with a given tag.
The <!-- more -->
comment tells the summarizer plugin how much of the post to include in index page and Atom feed summaries. If it is omitted, the full post shows on all pages.
The default structure of a blog is as follows(with a few example post files). Posts should be titled YYYY-DD-MM-Name-with-underscores.md
. This file name is used for the permalink. If the plugin and template directories don't exist, GRASS will use its packaged versions.
|-- plugins
|-- posts
| |-- 2014-01-01-now-on-GRASS.md
| |-- 2013-08-08-introducing-GRASS.md
| |-- 2013-08-13-first-GRASS-plugin.md
|-- site-config.groovy
`-- templates
`-- <overrided templates here>
sets all the default paths for a GRASS site. Any of these values can be overriden in site-config.groovy. The current version of
global-config.groovy` is listed below.
paths {
pages = ['pages']
posts = ['posts']
assets = ['assets/files', 'assets/css', 'assets/js', 'assets/images']
plugins = ['plugins']
templates = ['templates']
plugins {
enabled = [] // add plugin names to whitelist, if empty all plugins loaded
disabled = [] // add plugin names to blacklist specific plugins
// plugin-specific config
plugin {
links {
dispatch = ['page', 'url']
GRASS looks for plugins in the location specified either in your global-config.groovy
file or what you overrode it with in your site-config.groovy
file. GRASS searches for plugins relative to the current directory where GRASS is installed AND the source directory of your project. You can however give it multiple locations to search, be it absolute or relative paths.
As shown in global-config.groovy
, it is possible to selectively enable or disable plugins. To do so, pass in the class name of the plugin. If I wanted to disable the feeds plugin, I would add the following to my site-config.groovy
plugins.disabled = ['FeedPlugin']