- Piotr Nieścior
- Liwia Karwat
- Jakub Giembicki
Analyze the data containing information on elevation variation by selecting groups of areas with the highest growth (continental Europe). Elevation growth in a given location should be measured from at least 10 measurement points. Determine 5 groups of areas in relation to the average value of height increase. Please plot the detected areas on the map.
- Amazon EMR
- S3 cloud storage
- JupyterEnterpriseGateway 2.1.0, Spark 2.4.8, Livy 0.7.1
From Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) we can download a global dataset providing bare-earth terrain heights. We are using the terrarium format. Link to source dataset: https://registry.opendata.aws/terrain-tiles/
We solved the problem used the the numpy.gradient method and PySpark kernel.
The result image of the detected areas with 5 groups of specific height increase below: