Advanced implementation of LeGO-LOAM[1].
loop-closure enabled map cloud
loop-closure enabled trajectory
- Point Cloud(
- (
) - ...
- Run the launch file:
roslaunch alego test2.launch
- Play existing bag files test_0515.bag:
rosbag play test_0515.bag --clock --topics /lslidar_point_cloud
- Save map:
rosservice call /save_map
这 outlier 也太多了(将近 1/3),而且原始数据中有很多点相邻太近(将近一半),不知道是不是雷达的问题
robo_0529.bag 粗略测试,1 step 优化时长 7915ms(1.90ms/frame)(10 iterations)
2 step 优化时长 8888ms(2.13ms/frame),效果更好(surf 5 iterations, corner 10 iterations)
不知道为啥,occluded points 就是比 lego 多,也是无语了,而且真要是标记为 occluded 的话 corner feature 就太少了,匹配起来效果很差。 无语了,原来是因为 cloud_msg 里的 segmentedCloudColInd 是 uint,进行算术运算再赋给 int 出了问题,然后 col_diff 就 gg 了。
注意回环后 map2odom 要及时更新
- gtsam(Georgia Tech Smoothing and Mapping library, 4.0.0-alpha2)
- ceres
- parameterize hard coded parameters.
- find out nodelet crush problem.
- adjust motion distortion.
- Zhang J, Singh S. LOAM: Lidar Odometry and Mapping in Real-time[C]//Robotics: Science and Systems. 2014, 2: 9.
- Zhang J, Singh S. Low-drift and real-time lidar odometry and mapping[J]. Autonomous Robots, 2017, 41(2): 401-416.