Welcome to the GitHub repository of my latest project - a WhatsApp Web Clone developed using the powerful MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack! This application allows users to engage in real-time chatting and upload statuses that automatically disappear after 30 minutes, adding a touch of excitement and privacy
Experience seamless and instantaneous messaging just like the original WhatsApp application. Stay connected with friends and family in real-time.
Users can share updates, images, or videos as statuses that will automatically be deleted after 30 minutes, ensuring privacy and a sense of transience.
Protecting user data and privacy is a top priority. Robust authentication mechanisms ensure a safe and secure environment for all users.
The user interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, resembling the familiar and popular WhatsApp design.
A flexible and scalable NoSQL database used to store chat messages and user data efficiently.
A powerful Node.js framework utilized to build the backend and manage API routes and requests.
The frontend is built using React, a popular JavaScript library, providing a smooth and interactive user interface.
The server is powered by Node.js, offering a non-blocking I/O environment for handling real-time communication efficiently.