Firestore Full-Text Search provides a Firestore-specific full-text search function.
It runs on Cloud Functions and has excellent performance.
Supports simple inverted index type search.
npm install --save firestore-full-text-search
import admin from 'firebase-admin';
import FirestoreFullTextSearch from 'firestore-full-text-search';
const db = admin.firestore();
// Specifies the collection in which to store the inverted index.
const fullTextSearch = new FirestoreFullTextSearch(db.collection('index'));
// Set documents
const postData: Post = {
title: "What's Firestore Full-Text Search?",
'Firestore Full-Text Search provides a Firestore-specific full-text search function. It runs on Cloud Functions and has excellent performance.',
created: admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
const docRef = postsRef.collection('posts').doc('1');
// WriteBatch is supported so that documents and search indexes can be stored atomically.
const batch = db.batch();
batch.set(docRef, postData);
await fullTextSearch.set('en', docRef, {batch, data: postData});
await batch.commit();
// Search documents
const results = await'en', 'firestore');
- English Support
- Japanese Support
- Implement Query parser
- Implement Delete document
- Sorting Support
- Limit Support
- Pagination Support
- OpenTelemetry Support
- Browser Support (Search-Only)
- Firebase Performance Monitoring Support