v0.7.1 (2020-11-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add ability to reuse existing Ingress #200
- split of pkg/internal/env into reusable pkg #185
- Add support for Route 53 as another edge DNS implementation #49
Closed issues:
- switch linters to golang-ci #197
- Move input environment variables into depresolver #170
- Investigate the best place for initializing depresolver and consider it as internal #168
- Makefile refactoring #109
Merged pull requests:
- Enable Gslb with Ingress Annotation #205 (ytsarev)
- Contexts complient with kube-builder #204 (kuritka)
- Change context initialisation, fix helm upgrade #203 (kuritka)
- Simplify Makefile #201 (kuritka)
- use AbsaOSS/gopkg #199 (kuritka)
- switch to golangci-lint #198 (kuritka)
- Make diagram image clickable for enlargement #196 (ytsarev)
- Fix last 404 #195 (ytsarev)
- Use absolute URLs in case of file reference #194 (ytsarev)
- Publish CHANGELOG.md to Github Pages #193 (ytsarev)
- Integrate depresolver #192 (kuritka)
- Include CONTRIBUTING.md into gh-pages publishing #190 (ytsarev)
- Github Workflow to publish documentation #189 (ytsarev)