v0.8.8 (2022-03-21)
Fixed bugs:
- dev:
make test
target fails with overriden k8gb env vars #835
Closed issues:
- Deploying locally is failing, resources not created #828
- Consider making terratest output readable #825
- Calltime metric for infoblox communication #713
- Fix dependabot alerts #697
Merged pull requests:
- RELEASE: v0.8.8 #850 (jkremser)
- workflow optimization #844 (kuritka)
- [Fix] zz_generated.deepcopy.go tags #842 (kuritka)
- Bump k8s.io/* modules #841 (kuritka)
- PATCH: downgrade k3d version #839 (kuritka)
- GO 1.17 migration #838 (kuritka)
- Switching of licence headers from 2021 to 2022 (additional) #837 (somaritane)
- unset deprecated envvars #836 (kuritka)
- Fix log message for strategy annotation detection #833 (somaritane)
- Fix deployCrds template rewrite in generated CRD #832 (somaritane)
- Switching of licence headers from 2021 to 2022 #831 (kuritka)
- Structured logging improvements #830 (somaritane)
- Remove split-brain check log message for infoblox provider #829 (somaritane)
- Make make colorful #827 (jkremser)
- Terratest readable output #826 (AugustasV)
- Always use the bash as the default shell #824 (jkremser)
- Update Helm Docs #821 (github-actions[bot])
- Auto-install golangci-lint tool for make lint target #820 (somaritane)
- Fix typo in gslb crd examples in readme and helm chart #819 (nicsmith)
- helm: finer control over what is going to be deployed #818 (jkremser)
- OpenShift support: add permission on ingress finalizer in k8gb rbac #816 (nicsmith)
- Upgrade all GHA to checkout v2 #814 (ytsarev)
- Upgrade licenses #812 (kuritka)
- Update Offline Changelog #810 (github-actions[bot])
- Rename manager to k8gb #806 (k0da)
- Add histogram metrics for infoblox calls #805 (jkremser)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator