Converts an image into string art.
Original code is taken from and has been converted to an Inkscape extension.
Download and extract to your Inkscape extensions folder.
- Select an image
- Open
Extensions > Image > Convert Image to String Art
- Enter prefered settings
- Apply
- Thread width: defines thread width (during caclculation) and the output stroke width
- Number lines (per color): defines how many lines will be generated. For multiple colors this value will apply to each color. A value of 0 will generate as many lines until no improvement is detectable.
- Number od random nails to pick from for the next iteration: number of random nails to pick from when choosing the next nail to speed up the algorithm at the cost of quality. A value of 0 will calculate values for all possible nails at every iteration. A good value for this is ~50.
- Approximate nail distance: Defines how many nails will be used around the image. Smaller values lead to a larger amount of nails.
- White on black: Inverts image colors
- Shape: defines the output shape. Possible options are circle, ellipse or rectangle.
- Color Mode: Single color or Multicolor (RGB)
- Insert Nail Numbers: Wether to output nail numbers around the image (every 5th)
- Output Nail Order: Wether to output a list of nail numbers to use while creating the actual artwork