This tool emulates an EMV-CAP device, to illustrate the article "Banque en ligne : a la decouverte d'EMV-CAP" published in MISC #56.
Example of EMV-CAP calculators:
USB smartcard reader with a bank card connected to a laptop running Linux:
Command line help:
$ ./EMV-CAP -h
usage: EMV-CAP [-h] [-l] [-L] [--tlv PARSETLV]
[-r {<index>, <reader_substring>}] [-d] [-v] [-m {1,2}]
[--warmreset {auto,yes,no}]
[N [N ...]]
EMV-CAP calculator
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Standalone options:
-l, --listreaders print list of available readers and exit
-L, --listapps print list of available applications on the card and
--tlv PARSETLV parse a hex string into TLV elements
Global options:
-r {<index>, <reader_substring>}, --reader {<index>, <reader_substring>}
select one specific reader with reader index, name
string or sub-string otherwise first reader found will
be used.
-d, --debug print exchanged APDU for debugging
-v, --verbose print APDU parsing
Modes and data:
-m {1,2}, --mode {1,2}
M1/M2 mode selection (mandatory, unless -l or -L is
N number(s) as M1/M2 data: max one 8-digit number for M1
and max 10 10-digit numbers for M2
--warmreset {auto,yes,no}
Warm reset: yes / no / auto (default) If 'auto' it
will perform a warm reset if the ATR starts with 3F
(indirect convention)
EMV-CAP --listreaders
EMV-CAP --listapps
EMV-CAP --listapps --debug --reader foo
EMV-CAP -m1 123456
EMV-CAP -m2 1000 3101234567
EMV-CAP also works on Mac OSX (tested with Yosemite 10.10.5), you will need to install few dependencies though (you need to have pip and brew installed as prerequesite):
- brew: see the Brew homepage on how to install it
- pip:
$ sudo easy_install pip
- swig:
$ brew install swig
- pycrypto and pyscard:
$ sudo pip install pycrypto pyscard
I have attempted to install the same dependencies for OSX, with cygwin installed, python, gcc, python-pip, etc... I managed to do a pip install pycrypto pyscard
(Successfully installed pycrypto-2.6.1 pyscard-1.9.7). But when I try to run the M2 from bash, I got a protocol error (I have to force the second reader with the -r flag):
$ EMV-CAP -r 2 -m2 1000 123456
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/EMV-CAP", line 321, in <module>
(RAPDU, sw1, sw2) = myTransmit(connection, CAPDU, args.debug)
File "/usr/bin/EMV-CAP", line 188, in myTransmit
(RAPDU, sw1, sw2) = connection.transmit(hex2lint(CAPDU))
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/smartcard/", line 82, in transmit
return self.component.transmit(bytes, protocol)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/smartcard/", line 146, in transmit
data, sw1, sw2 = self.doTransmit(bytes, protocol)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/smartcard/pcsc/", line 196, in doTransmit
smartcard.Exceptions.CardConnectionException: Invalid protocol in transmit: must be CardConnection.T0_protocol, CardConnection.T1_protocol, or CardConnection.RAW_protocol
- make debian packages
- make a pip package
- make a docker image
- add support for some banks with boobank:
- add curl examples for a webbanking interface of choice
- test a similar python program
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