WebService::DNSMadeEasy - Implements V2.0 of the DNSMadeEasy API
use WebService::DNSMadeEasy;
my $dns = WebService::DNSMadeEasy->new({
api_key => $api_key,
secret => $secret,
sandbox => 1, # defaults to 0
# DOMAINS - see WebService::DNSMadeEasy::ManagedDomain
my @domains = $dns->managed_domains;
my $domain = $dns->get_managed_domain('example.com');
my $domain = $dns->create_managed_domain('stegasaurus.com');
# RECORDS - see WebService::DNSMadeEasy::ManagedDomain::Record
my $record = $domain->create_record(...);
my @records = $domain->records(); # Returns all records
my @records = $domain->records(type => 'CNAME'); # Returns all CNAME records
my @records = $domain->records(name => 'www'); # Returns all wwww records
# MONITORS - see WebService::DNSMadeEasy::Monitor
my $monitor = $record->get_monitor;
$monitor->disable; # disable failover and system monitoring
This distribution implements v2 of the DNSMadeEasy API as described in http://dnsmadeeasy.com/integration/pdf/API-Docv2.pdf.
You can find this here: https://cp.dnsmadeeasy.com/account/info.
You can find this here: https://cp.dnsmadeeasy.com/account/info.
Uses the sandbox api endpoint if set to true. Creating a sandbox account is a good idea so you can test before messing with your live/production account. You can create a sandbox account here: https://sandbox.dnsmadeeasy.com.
Here you can set the User-Agent http header.
Copyright (C) Eric Johnson.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Eric Johnson [email protected]
This module started as a fork of Torsten Raudssus's WWW::DNSMadeEasy module, but its pretty much a total rewrite especially since v1 and v2 of the DNS Made Easy protocol are very different.