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Hunting Event - Website Backend

Backend for Hunting Event - Website Frontend.


The project has three user configurable files. config.yaml for general application parameters, secrets.yaml for secrets and passwords and servers.yaml to configure servers running in the event. Either place them in the repository's root directory or set them with the following environment variables:

Variable Value
CONFIG_FILE /path/to/config.yaml
SECRETS_FILE /path/to/secrets.yaml
SERVERS_FILE /path/to/servers.yaml

The project uses Gunicorn as it's WSGI HTTP Server.

Minimum required setup is creating a secrets.yaml (refer to secrets.yaml.template) and filling its fields. Setting compstart and compend in config.yaml so currently no event is running allows only setting db* fields in config.yaml and secrets.yaml, and produces a working environment with some minor features not working.

Development Setup

For developing, please install the development modules (e.g. pip install -e .[dev]) and execute pre-commit install to set up all commit hooks. They enforce code styles, etc. on committing. docker compose up in the repo's root will set up a database with Kacky Events KK1-9 and KR1-4.

General Configuration config.yaml


Config Key Value Description
port int Port for the flask server.
bind_host int IP to bind on. binds all (use with Docker).
workers int Number of Gunicorn workers. Recommended: (2 x $num_cores) + 1.
threads int Number of threads within each worker. Assumes worker gthread.
compstart ISO8601 datetime Start-date of event. ISO8601.
compend ISO8601 datetime End-date of event. ISO8601.
eventtype str Type of currently running event.
edition int Edition of currently running event.
logtype (STDOUT, FILE) Where should logging be done to? To FILE or STDOUT.
loglevel str Level for Python's logging module. Values DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL.
logger_name str Name to use with logging module.
dbhost str IP/address/service of MySQL/MariaDB database for the backend.
dbport int Port of MySQL/MariaDB database for the backend.

Optional (May be required in combination with required a key)

Config Key Value Description
playlist (linear, custom) custom uses servers.yaml for playlist and server info. linear may be broken, wasn't used in a long time
timelimit int Required with playlist type linear. Sets the length of playtime on each server
logfile str Path to file, if logtype is set to FILE. Do not use a relative path.
testing_mode (0, 1) Enable/Disable testing mode. Enabling uses hardcoded example API responses.
testing_compstart datetime str Start-date for a simulated active event.
testing_compend datetime str End-date for a simulated active event.

Secrets file secrets.yaml


Key Value Description
api_pwd str Password to get state information from the game servers.
flask_secret str Salted secret for Flask. May not be used anymore, since flask-flash is not in use.
jwt_secret str Secret for JWT
sendgrid_api_key str API key for Sendgrid. Required to reset user passwords.
dbuser str Username for the MySQL/MariaDB instance used with the backend.
dbpwd str Password for the MySQL/MariaDB instance used with the backend.
records_api_key str API key for Valid key allows unlimited requests.


Key Value Description
msg_send_pwd str Password to send messages to streamer dashboard (/post, /target, /stream endpoints).

Server Information servers.yaml (Used with playlist: custom)

Each server must be defined as follows:

Full Server Name:
  server_number: int      # Identifier if multiple servers have the same difficulty (e.g. 1 or 2 with servers "White *1*" and "White *2*")
  difficulty: (str, int)  # Difficulty identifier [("white", "blue", ...), ("easy", "medium", ...), ...]. Must match frontend.
  timelimit: int          # Playtime for each map on the server.
  server_login: str       # Trackmania login of the account. Only relevant for TMNF.
  maps: list[int]         # Ordered list of maps played in the server

Multiple servers can be defined in the file on root level. Full Server Name must match the name as returned from Gameserver API (Readable text only without TM formatting syntax) since it's used as a key for mapping between its response and servers.yaml


Kacky Reloaded 4 - White 1:
  server_number: 1
  difficulty: white
  timelimit: 15
  server_login: ""
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