Python script for ranking images of strong lensing candidates
Navigate to directory containing the script. In your terminal of choice, execute the following:
By default, the program looks in your current working directory for images and the save file. If you want to store your images elsewhere, execute one of the following, replacing YOUR/PATH/HERE with your desired path:
python3 -p YOUR/PATH/HERE
python3 --path YOUR/PATH/HERE
Similarly, if you desire your save file to have a non-default name (default is lensrankings.txt), execute one of the following, replacing FILENAME with your desired filename:
python3 -f FILENAME
python3 --filename FILENAME
Finally, the default file extension which the script looks for are .jpg images. If you want to run the script on other file types, execute the following, replacing EXTENSION with your desired file extension (without the preceding period -- so if you want to look for .png files, replace it with png):
python3 --imtype EXTENSION