- Install packages on Ubuntu
apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi gdb-multiarch openocd stlink-tools make
Update submodules
cd FreeRTOS-Spin-Reproduction
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Compile an application and flash binary to stm32f429
cd <<scheduling_policy>>/<<application>>
(optional) make clean-lib # Re-compile libraries if scheduling policy is changed.
make flash
Be sure to make clean-lib
after scheduling policy is changed.
- Try to add plug tasks. Plug tasks are derived from the model checking results in FreeRTOS-Spin.
make clean
make PLUG=<<a_plug_in_plug_folder>>
make flash
Similary, some applications have a fix
make clean && make FIX=<<a_fix_in_fix_folder>>
- To debug an application, run
make openocd
andmake gdb
in separated terminals.
Note: If openocd
crashes while executing, try the following script.
apt autoremove --purge openocd
git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/openocd/code openocd-code
cd openocd-code
./configure --enable-stlink
make install