To install the provider from a local build with Terraform 0.14, configure your ~/.terraformrc
provider_installation {
dev_overrides {
"" = "/path/to/terraform-provider-kaleido"
direct {}
then be sure to build the binary you are testing using:
make build
NOTE: binaries built via
make build-${OS}
will not be detected by Terraform'sdev_overrides
End to end example in examples/multi_region_with_b2b
make build-linux
make build-mac
make build-win
Acceptance tests make actual calls to deploy and destroy resources. Any changes to the provider must pass acceptance tests.
export TF_ACC=true
export KALEIDO_API=''
go test -v ./kaleido
Note unit tests are now being prioritized and the process of migrating acceptance tests to unit tests has been started in platform/service_test.go