Django-mathjax is an application to easy include MathJax in your django projects as dependency, and easy configure directly from django settings.
To install django-mathjax you can use pip:
pip install Django-MathJax
Then you have to add django_mathjax
app to your INSTALLED_APPS
and add a MATHJAX_ENABLED=True
to your settings file.
Then you can put in any template the MathJax javascript using the template tag mathjax_scripts. Example:
{% load mathjax %} <html> <head> <title></title> {% mathjax_scripts %} </head> <body> $$1+1=2$$ </body> </html>
django-mathjax use the CDN mathjax version, if you want to have your own copy
of MathJax, you have to download and put it in your static directory, and
with the path of MathJax on static to your
settings. Example:
MATHJAX_LOCAL_PATH = 'js/libs/mathjax/'
Allow to enable/disable the mathjax app.
Use a local path of MathJax Library instead of the CDN. Example:
MATHJAX_LOCAL_PATH = 'js/libs/mathjax/'
Allow to configure the config file used by mathjax. Example:
The default value is "TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML".
Allow to configure the mathjax directly by a python dictionary. Example:
MATHJAX_CONFIG_DATA = { "tex2jax": { "inlineMath": [ ['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)'] ] } }