0.57.0 (2020-07-07)
Bug Fixes
- add preset and gui area to all presets (#516) (363ce25)
- FEC-10052: the bottom toolbar not hiding after return from background on mobile devices (#523) (87bd41e)
- FEC-10227: advanced captions setting window cut when opened in floating player (#517) (b01a2ea)
- FEC-10229: player failed to be loaded on MAC Safari and IE 11 - Regression (#518) (6326ee7)
- FEC-10235: Play/Pause button is not accurately centered in small player (#519) (f2f608f)
- FEC-10241: preact hooks doesn't exported from core (#521) (bb4819f)
- FEC-10247: top bar element located in the middle instead of right side (#522) (b1af61a)
- FEC-10268: bottom bar displayed before Play button clicked when preload=auto (#524) (4e2565c)