Kamacharov Finance liability microservice
The recommended way is to use docker-compose
. That pulls down all the Docker images needed and you will have the full microservices architecture locally in order to get authentication from aiof-auth
and data from aiof-data
First we need to run dotnet publish
dotnet publish -c Release -o app/publish/kamafi.liability.core
Then we build the Dockerfile
docker build -t gkama/kamafi-liability:dev -f Dockerfile .
(Optiona) Run the image
docker run -it -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT='Development' --rm -p 8000:80 gkama/kamafi-liability:dev
(Optional) Push to Docker hub
docker push gkama/kamafi-liability:dev
(Optional) Clean up none
docker rmi $(docker images -f “dangling=true” -q)