The goals / steps of this project are the following:
- Load the data set (see below for links to the project data set)
- Explore, summarize and visualize the data set
- Design, train and test a model architecture
- Use the model to make predictions on new images
- Analyze the softmax probabilities of the new images
- Summarize the results with a written report
The code for this step is contained in the second code cell of the IPython notebook.
I used the numpy library to calculate summary statistics of the traffic signs data set:
- The size of training set is 34799
- The size of test set is n_test
- The shape of a traffic sign image is (32, 32, 3)
- The number of unique classes/labels in the data set is 43
The code for this step is contained in the section Exploratory visualization of the dataset in Step 1 of the IPython notebook. Here are three samples:
The code for this step is contained in the fourth code cell of the IPython notebook.
As a first step, I decided to convert the images to grayscale because it reduces the dimensionality of the dataset and allows for a classification that is not biased on color (although red and blue colors might help identify the traffic sign in question).
Then the picture was resized (if it was not the standard size to begin with) to (32, 32, 1), then normalized to a mean of 0 (values ranging from -0.5 to 0.5). Normalization was used to ensure that the classification is not skewed towards large or small number values.
Here is an example of a traffic sign image after each step.
The code for my final model is located in the seventh cell of the ipython notebook.
My final model consisted of the following layers:
Layer | Description |
Input | 32x32x1 grayscale image |
Convolution 5x5 | 1x1 stride, valid padding, outputs 28x28x6 |
RELU | |
Max pooling | 2x2 stride, outputs 14x14x6 |
Convolution 5x5 | 1x1 stide, valida padding, outputs 10x10x16 |
RELU | |
Max pooling | 2x2 stride, outputs 5x5x16 |
Fully connected | input :400, output: 120 |
RELU | |
Fully connected | input: 120, output: 84 |
RELU | |
Fully connected | input: 84, output: 43 |
Softmax |
The code for training the model is located in the section Train, Validate and Test the Model in Step 2. The following hyperparametere and training algorithms were used:
Parameter/Algorithm | Value |
Epoch number | 150 |
Learning rate | 0.001 |
Batch size | 100 |
Weight initialization | Normal distribution, mean 0, sd, 0.1 |
Convolution 3x3 | 1x1 stide, valida padding, outputs 10x10x16 |
Error term | mean squared error |
Optimization algorithm | Adam optimizer |
5. Prompt: Describe the approach taken for finding a solution. Include in the discussion the results on the training, validation and test sets and where in the code these were calculated. Your approach may have been an iterative process, in which case, outline the steps you took to get to the final solution and why you chose those steps. Perhaps your solution involved an already well known implementation or architecture. In this case, discuss why you think the architecture is suitable for the current problem.
The code for calculating the accuracy of the model is located in the section Analyze Performance in Step 3.
My final model results were:
- training set accuracy of 0.999999992121
- validation set accuracy of 0.951473929985
- test set accuracy of 0.936737955891
A well known architecture was chosen:
- The LeNet architicture was chosen since it's use to identify written symbols has a strong resembelance to the requirement of classifying street signs.
- This relevancy was considered since both written characters and street signs contain visual clues in their shape, something that was evidently targeted when the LeNet architecture was constructed.
- The model performs adequately well, with a validaiton loss of
and a test accuracy of0.936737955891
Here are five German traffic signs that I found on the web:
These images were chosen for their diversity of backgrounds as well as the sign color, and the type of writing that is on them (graphical illustration vs. digits). Image number 4 (70 speed limit) might be difficult to classify since the sign is not centered in the image.
2. Prmopt: Discuss the model's predictions on these new traffic signs and compare the results to predicting on the test set. Identify where in your code predictions were made. At a minimum, discuss what the predictions were, the accuracy on these new predictions, and compare the accuracy to the accuracy on the test set (OPTIONAL: Discuss the results in more detail as described in the "Stand Out Suggestions" part of the rubric).
The code for making predictions on my final model is located in the tenth cell of the Ipython notebook.
Here are the results of the prediction:
Image | Prediction |
Ground work | Bicycle crossing |
General Caution | General Caution |
Round abaout | Priority Road |
70 km/h | No Entry |
30 km/h | 30 km/h |
50 km/h | 50 km/h |
The model was able to correctly guess 3 of the 6 traffic signs, which gives an accuracy of 50%. This compares not so favorably to the accuracy on the test set. This could be because of the image quality and capture of the image data. For example, some photos had watermarks on them, and were resized to a wider stretch, and some signs were not in the center of the image.
3. Prompt: Describe how certain the model is when predicting on each of the five new images by looking at the softmax probabilities for each prediction and identify where in your code softmax probabilities were outputted. Provide the top 5 softmax probabilities for each image along with the sign type of each probability. (OPTIONAL: as described in the "Stand Out Suggestions" part of the rubric, visualizations can also be provided such as bar charts)
The code for making predictions on my final model is located in the Predict the Sign Type for Each Image section.
For the first image, the model is quite sure that the sign is a bicycle crossing, with the highest probability being 0.85, and the second guess (which is correct, yay!) is 0.11 probability. All other probabilitie are quite distant.
Probability | Prediction |
.85 | Bicycles crossing |
.11 | Road Work |
.027 | Road narrows on the right |
.0 | double curve |
.0 | traffic signals |
For the second image the model performs wonderfully and has a probability of 1 that it's a general caution sign, which it is.
Probability | Prediction |
1 | Genral Caution |
0 | Go straight or left |
0 | right of way at next intersection |
.0 | pedestraisns |
.0 | traffic signals |
For the third image the model is confused and thinks its a priority road. This could be due to the watermark on the image.
Probability | Prediction |
1 | priority road |
0 | speed limit 100 |
0 | right of way at next intersection |
.0 | pedestraisns |
.0 | traffic signals |
For the fourth image the model is confused (possibly by the off centering of the sign) and thinks it is absolutely a no entry sign instead of a 70 kmph sign.
Probability | Prediction |
0.98 | No Entry |
0.015 | Right of way |
0 | go straight of left |
.0 | roundabout |
.0 | priority road |
For the fifth image the model performs wonderfully and has a probability of 1 that it's a 50 km/h sign!
Probability | Prediction |
1 | 50 km/h |
0 | speed limit 100 |
0 | priority road |
.0 | speed limit 30 |
.0 | roundabout |
For the sixth image the model performs wonderfully and has a probability of 1 that it's a 50 km/h sign!
Probability | Prediction |
1 | 30 km/h |
0 | Roundabout |
0 | Wild animal crossing |
.0 | speed limit 50 |
.0 | speed limit 80 |