Show some β€οΈ by giving to this repo
1> How to Pass a state from one component to another using state
2> How to use Redux to pass state from lower to higher order without the standard unidirectional flow.
3> How to use material UI in your project.
4> How to store data in the form of Cart.
Need of Redux
~Inorder to pass the state from 1 component to another
~like from home to navbar inorder to get the cart no. updated.
Redux flow
1>App.js provider wrap and pass store to provider not now
2> store.js create in src
3> create actions to take from home.js dispatch the action of type: ____ from type.js
4> action-> reducer-> store
npm install
npm run start
In future the project needs a payment gateway for users to buy smoothly.
More products to be added in the future.
A map where users can track their order.
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