生成 Dash 格式的微信小程序的离线文档。
下载我编译好的 minapp.docset ,添加到 Dash 里即可。如果你不知道 Dash 是什么,去了解一下绝对赚到。在 Linux/Windows 下也有相应的替代品。在此不赘述。
我们使用 wget 把微信小程序的开发文档全部下载下来。
$ mkdir -p ~/temp/wxadoc
$ cd ~/temp/wxadoc
$ wget -r -p -k -np https://mp.weixin.qq.com/debug/wxadoc/dev/
$ tree -L 2
├── dev
│ ├── api
│ ├── component
│ ├── demo
│ ├── demo.html
│ ├── demo.html?t=2017117.html
│ ├── devtools
│ ├── framework
│ ├── image
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── index.html?t=2017117.html
│ ├── index.html?t=2017119.html
│ ├── qa.html
│ └── qa.html?t=2017117.html
└── gitbook
├── fonts
├── gitbook-plugin-highlight
├── gitbook-plugin-lunr
├── gitbook-plugin-search
├── gitbook.js?t=2017117
├── gitbook.js?t=2017119
├── images
├── style.css?t=2017117.css
├── style.css?t=2017119.css
├── theme.js?t=2017117
└── theme.js?t=2017119
13 directories, 13 files
$ python html2dash.py -n minapp -d ./ -i ~/temp/wxadoc/mp.weixin.qq.com/debug/wxadoc/gitbook/images/[email protected] -p wxadoc/dev/framework/MINA.html ~/temp/wxadoc/mp.weixin.qq.com/debug/wxadoc
Create the Docset Folder!
Copy the HTML Documentation!
Create the SQLite Index
Create the Info.plist File
Create the Icon for the Docset!
Generate Docset Successfully!
运行之前需要安装 Python,另外还需要安装 beautifulsoap4。
$ pip install beautifulsoup4==4.3.2
运行成功后,会在当前目录生成 minapp.docset 目录。直接导入 Dash 即可使用。
$ mkdir LightGBM
$ cd LightGBM
$ wget -r -p -k -np http://lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
$ source .venb/bin/activate
$ python html2dash.py -n LightGBM -d ./ LightGBM/lightgbm.readthedocs.io/en/latest
之后会生成 LightGBM.docset,打开 LightGBM.docset/Contents/info.plist,修改 index.html 为 latest/index.html 即可。
html2Dash is an Documentation Set generator intended to be used with the Dash.app API browser for OS X or one of its many clones. html2Dash is just like doc2dash but generating docset from any HTML documentations.
If you’ve never heard of Dash.app, you’re missing out: together with html2Dash it’s all your API documentation at your fingertips!
Third part library required:
It’s tested on Python 2.7, OS X 10.9.
The usage is as simple as:
$ html2Dash <htmldir>
html2dash will create a new directory called <htmldir>.docset
in ~/Library/Application Support/html2dash/DocSets
containing a Dash.app-compatible docset. When finished, the docset is automatically added to Dash.app.
Options and Arguments
The full usage is:
$ doc2dash [OPTIONS] SOURCE
is a directory containing the HTML documents you would like to convert.
are the following:
-n, --name
Name the docset explicitly instead of letting doc2dash guess the correct name from the directory name of the source.
-d PATH, --destination PATH
Put the resulting docset into PATH. Default is the directory
~/Library/Application Support/html2dash/DocSets
Add PNG icon FILENAME to docset that is used within Dash.app to represent the docset.
-p INDEX_PAGE, --index-page INDEX_PAGE
Set the file that is shown when the docset is clicked within Dash.app.
-h, --help
Show a brief usage summary and exit.
- BeautifulSoup HTML parsing library
Generate the Docset for requests: requests.docset
. Command:
$ ./html2dash.py -n requests -i ~/Documents/requests-sidebar.png ~/Documents/requests
Create the Docset Folder!
Copy the HTML Documentation!
Create the SQLite Index
Create the Info.plist File
Create the Icon for the Docset!
Generate Docset Successfully!