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๐Ÿƒ Python3 Solutions of All Problems in MHC 2024 (In Progress)


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  • Python3 solutions of Meta Hacker Cup 2024. Solution begins with * means it will get TLE in the largest data set.
  • Total computation amount > 10^8, which is not friendly for Python3 to solve in 5 ~ 15 seconds. A 6-minute timer is set for uploading the result this year.
  • A problem was marked as Very Hard means that it was an unsolved one during the contest and may not be that difficult.


Practice Round

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
A Walk the Line Python3 O(1) O(1) Easy Greedy
B Line by Line Python3 O(1) O(1) Easy Math
C Fall in Line Python3 O(K * N) O(1) Medium Randomized Algorithm
D1 Line of Delivery (Part 1) Python3 O(NlogN) O(1) Medium Sort
D2 Line of Delivery (Part 2) Python3 O(NlogN) O(1) Hard Sort

Round 1

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
A Subsonic Subway Python3 O(N) O(1) Easy Math
B Prime Subtractorization Python3 precompute: O(MAX_N)
runtime: O(1)
O(MAX_N) Medium Number Theory, Linear Sieve of Eratosthenes, DP
C Substantial Losses Python3 O(1) O(1) Medium Expected Value
D Substitution Cipher Python3 O(N) O(1) Hard Greedy, DP
E Wildcard Submissions PyPy3 O(N * L * S) O(L * S) Hard DP, Inclusion-Exclusion Principle

Round 2

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
A1 Cottontail Climb (Part 1) Python3 O(285) O(45) Easy Precomputation
A2 Cottontail Climb (Part 2) PyPy3 precompute: O(17 * 73025424)
runtime: O(73025424)
O(73025424) Easy Precomputation, Backtracking
B Four in a Burrow PyPy3 O((R * C) * (R + 1)^C) O(C * (R + 1)^C) Medium BFS
C Bunny Hopscotch PyPy3 O((R * C * log(min(R, C))) * log(max(R, C))) O(R * C) Medium Binary Search, Two Pointers, Sliding Window, BIT, Fenwick Tree
D Splitting Hares Python3 O(N + MAX_W^2) O(N + MAX_W) Hard Greedy, DP, Backtracing

Round 3

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
A Set, Cover Python3 O(N^2) O(N) Easy Array
B Least Common Ancestor Python3 O(N * (logN)^2) O(N) Easy Sort, DFS, Sorted List, Freq Table, Small-to-Large Merging
C Coin Change Python3 O(min(N, THRESHOLD)) O(1) Hard Expected Value, Harmonic Series, Euler's Constant
D Min-flow Max-cut Python3 O(N * logN * logM) O(N) Hard DFS, Treap, Prefix Sum, Small-to-Large Merging
E1 All Triplets Shortest Path (Part 1) Python3 O(N) O(N) Medium Graph, Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
E2 All Triplets Shortest Path (Part 2) Python3 O(N) O(N) Medium Graph, Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

Final Round

You can relive the magic of the 2024 Hacker Cup World Finals by watching the Live Stream Recording of the announcement of winners.

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
A Duplicate Order Python3 O(N + min(M1, M2) + H^2) O(N + min(M1, M2) + H) Easy Combinatorics, Prefix Sum, Fast Exponentiation
B Distributed Server Python3 O((R + C)^2 * (R * C)^3) O(R * C) Easy Binary Search, Max Flow, Dinic's Algorithm
C Chicken Tender Python3 O(N^2 * logR) O(N) Medium Ternary Search, Geometry
D Sushi Platter Medium
E Snake Cover Medium
F Pizza Broiler Hard