QModeling is a multiplatform toolbox for SPM to fit reference-region kinetic models (SRTM, SRTM2, Patlak Reference and Logan Reference Plot are currently available in QModeling) to dynamic PET studies.
The toolbox was developed in the bioengineering department of the Molecular Imaging Unit at CIMES (FGUMA) in collaboration with the department of Computer Science and Programming Languages at Malaga University (UMA).
QModeling was developed by:
- Francisco Javier López González | [email protected]
- José Paredes Pacheco | [email protected]
- Karl-Khader Thurnhofer Hemsi | [email protected]
With contributions of Núria Roé Vellvé, Carlos Rossi, Manuel Enciso, Daniel Toro-Flores and Antonio L. Gutiérrez Cardo.
To cite QModeling in your work please include the following reference: López-González, F.J., Paredes-Pacheco, J., Thurnhofer-Hemsi, K. et al. (2018). QModeling: a Multiplatform, Easy-to-Use and Open-Source Toolbox for PET Kinetic Analysis. Neuroinform. doi:10.1007/s12021-018-9384-y
QModeling is free but copyright software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation (either version 3, as given below, or at your option, any later version). For more details on «copyleft», see here.
Tested on MATLAB R2012a-R2013b with SPM8 and MATLAB R2015a-R2017a with SPM12.
- Unzip QModeling.zip.
- Copy the folder QModeling inside SPM in the folder: C:\PATH_TO_SPM\spm8\toolbox\
- Finish! Start SPM -> PET, and select QModeling in the toolbox section.
Enjoy it!!!
Current Release: 2.1
E-mail: [email protected]