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This is an app implementing an e-grocery store.

This file contains details of different views and their view controllers used in app. (Standard protocol methods that need to be implemented for a controller are not described)

MAIN PARENT: MainViewController: It has following views and methods: CartBar: cart bar at bottom. Container view that loads other views in it. METHODS: setCartBarLabel: set label showing total of cart. modifyBadge: to set the badge on top right of cart. modifyViewOfCartBarOnStarting: to set frames of cart bar and container view depending on whether cart contains something. modifyCheckOutButton: set appearance of checkout button on cart bar setObservers: set observers for this class to get notifications from default notification center to manage labels of cart bar CHECKOUT: CheckOutViewController: It has following views and methods: topBarWithCompletionCircles: top bar view with circles and back button Container view that loads another views. METHODS: changeViewOfTopBar: manages appearance of image views of top bar as the views in container view change. setObservers: observers to listen to change in view of container view. ShippingViewController: controller of view that prompts user to enter address, city, pin It has following methods: loadPinArray: loads pin array for picker view of pin loadCityArray: loads city array for picker view of city modifyNextButton: adjusts appearance of next button adjustPickers: sets picker views as input for the appropriate text fields. add doneToolBarToKeyboard: to add done to keyboard that appears on clicking on textfield of address. timingViewController: view that prompts user to select day and time of delivery of goods. It has following methods: modifyDateArrayForPicker:sets the array of date to be displayed in picker. modifyTimeSlotArrayForPicker:sets the array of time slots to be displayed in picker. paymentViewController: controller of view that prompts user to select mode of payement.Consists of a picker that displays mode of payments checkoutSegue: a subclass of UIStoryBoard segue that performs segue in views of container. CART: CartViewController: a subclass of table view controller that displays the current cart of user.Can be displayed by pressing cart button or swiping up on cartbar. METHODS: setTotalLabels: calculates total amount of cart and sets the value of total of cart. formatButtons: sets appearance of checkout and back button. CartCellView: a class that manages cells of table view of CartViewController. FIRST SCREEN: CategoryViewController: subclass of collection view controller that displays categories as collection view. METHODS: downloadCategoryJSON: to download JSON from server in array of categories asynchronously using AFNetworking. prepareforsegue: sends the unique identity associated with cells of main category view while segueing to second collection view to determine which sub categories to be loaded. SUB CATEGORY SCREEN: SecondViewController: a subclass a viewpagercontroller(3rd party library ICViewPager) to display slidable top bar with title of subcategores.It has a subview secondCollectionViewController that displays products in collection view. METHODS: downloadSubCategoryJSON: to download JSON of SubCategories. SecondCollectionView: displays products in collection view. METHODS: downloadProductJSON: to download JSON of product. MODULES: Consists of helper classes. interactWithCoreData: class that helps to get, modify and read the present cart stored as core data. METHODS: getContext: to get a context to core data. getActiveCartWithContext: to get presentcart with given context as a parameter. customizeCart: class with methods to change the cart values. METHODS: getLabelValue: get total number of different items in string format. getTotalLabels: get the total value/amount of cart. URLs: class with methods to get appropriate URLs to download JSON. colors: class with methods to get appropriate colors.


This is an app implementing an e-grocery store.






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