GOAL: Return the top N
patients based on their scores which is proximity to the hospital and other factors defined below
- Load the patients.json
- Function to return a list of scored and sorted patients
- Input: Hospital Latitude and Longitude "latitude": "64.4811", "longitude": "33.2338"
- Scoring Rules
- Latitude and Longitude of patient. Use this to calculate the distance from the hospital. Store this in the patient object
- Distance to Clinic formula: distanceToClinic =
sqrt( ( (patient_Longitude-hospital_Longitude)**2 ) + ( (patient_Latitude-hospitalLatitude)**2 ) )
- normalizeScores = Generate a score for each patient to be normalized 1-10 based on the likelihood to come to the clinic
- Score formula =
- score = patient['age']*.1
- score -= patient['distanceToClinic']*.1
- score += patient['acceptedOffers']*.3
- score -= patient['canceledOffers']*.3
- score -= patient['replyTime']*.2
- Find high score and low score
- Normalized Score = (((patient_score - low_score)/(high_score-low_score)) * 9) +1
- Return the top 10 normalized scores' patients
- Write appropriate tests
- Write a REST API which will take in a value of
and return the topN