Based on Gatsby and React, this website will serve as the frontend of AMACSS Live Demo
Upgrade dependencies:
Install the dependencies:
Cleanup cache (often fixes misc errors when run before yarn dev
Run the development server:
Production build to /public
Each of the sections in the site are placed in src/sections
. Data is usually separated out into objects/arrays to be rendered in the component.
The component src/components/common/SEO.js
handles all meta data and SEO content, modify the SEO_DATA
variable to add the data automatically. For application manifest data and favicon, modify the gatsby-plugin-manifest
configuration in gatsby-config.js
This project uses styled-components to handle styling: src/styles/theme.js
defines the styling base and src/styles/GlobalStyles.js
includes basic element styles along with the CSS Reset.
run set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
in your terminal.
run export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
in your terminal.
If these don't work, look at Stack Overflow.
in your terminal.
If these don't work, look at Stack Overflow.
If you get building static HTML failed for path "/<page>/"
, review Stack Overflow
run yarn upgrade @fullcalendar/core@latest @fullcalendar/google-calendar@latest @fullcalendar/react@latest @svgr/webpack@latest gatsby-plugin-image@latest gatsby-plugin-alias-imports@latest gatsby-plugin-alias-imports@latest gatsby-plugin-google-fonts@latest gatsby-plugin-manifest@latest gatsby-plugin-offline@latest gatsby-plugin-react-helmet@latest gatsby-plugin-sass@latest gatsby-plugin-sharp@latest gatsby-plugin-styled-components@latest gatsby-plugin-svgr@latest gatsby-source-filesystem@latest gatsby-transformer-sharp@latest google-maps-react@latest node@latest node-sass@latest prop-types@latest react@latest react-anchor-link-smooth-scroll@latest react-collapsible@latest react-dom@latest react-google-maps@latest react-helmet@latest react-loadable@latest react-scripts@latest react-scrollspy@latest remark-mdx@latest styled-components@latest @fullcalendar/daygrid@latest @fullcalendar/interaction@latest @fullcalendar/timegrid@latest prettier@latest
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