This code is currently a collection of the work that Kate Harrison has done on cognitive radio with the help of Mubaraq Mishra and Anant Sahai. This code has been used to generate results which were used in numerous papers and it has accompanying documentation on a wiki. Please look at the documentation to get started with the code.
Feel free to contact Kate with any questions or comments. If you'd like to join in the development, please email Kate (harriska at eecs dot berkeley dot edu).
This repository has a limited amount of pre-computed data to make it easier and faster to get started. However, Kate has a large collection of pre-computed data (all of which can be computed with the source files here given enough time) that she is happy to share on an individual basis. Please contact her if you are interested.
This code is freely available to anyone who wants to use it and is provided without guarantee. If you build off of it or find it useful, please consider citing it.
Please feel free to fork this code and send me a pull request if you make any changes you'd like to share with the world. I'm very interested in seeing this code base develop further.
Kate Harrison
- UC Berkeley graduate student in EECS
- harriska at eecs dot berkeley dot edu
- Research website