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Git Commands

There are many different ways to use Git. Git supports many command-line tools and graphical user interfaces. The Git command line is the only place where you can run all the Git commands.

The following set of commands will help you understand how to use Git via the command line.

Linux Commands

  • mkdir

    mkdir <<DirectoryName>>

    mkdir UiFrontEnd

    This command will help you to create new folder in your local system as UiFrontEnd

  • ls


    This command will help you to list all folders in current directory

  • open

    open <<Path>>

    open /c/users/jayk/desktop/git

    This command will help you to open path through terminals

  • pwd


    output -> /c/users/jay

    This will show present working directory

  • cd

    cd <<DirectoryName>>

    cd UiFrontEnd

    This command will help you to change directory by passing directory name along with cd

Git Basic Commands

  • clone

    git clone <<RepositoryURL>>

    git clone 

    This command will help you to clone remote repository (code) in your local system

  • config

    git config --global "Jay"
    git config --global "[email protected]"

    This command will help you to set config on the global level by using "--global" along with git config, so it will applicable for all future commits

  • status

    git status

    This command will help you to get the status of the current folder, such as Untracked files, etc

  • add

    git add <<FileName>>

    git add pom.xml

    This command will help you to add a file to Stage Area from the Working Directory by passing the file name along with add command

  • add .

    git add . 

    This command will help you to add all files to the Stage Area, with a single command instead of adding each file one by one.

  • commit

    git commit -m <<commit message>>

    git commit -m "This is my first commit"

    This command will help you to commit the file to your local repository (stage to local Repository) by adding the message "-m"

  • push

    git push <<RepositoryReference>> <<BranchName>>

    git push origin master

    This command will help you to push the committed code under local repository to Remote Repository

  • pull

    git pull

    This command will help you to pull the latest code in your local repository

    The Main difference in Clone and Pull :

    • Clone command we use at the beginning to setup local repository Initially - One time only, while
    • Pull command we use to pull the latest code in local repository from remote repository Everytime after Clone

  • fetch

    git fetch

    This command will help you to get all latest commit/code in your local repository, but it won't merge it to local branch you are working on, i.e Working Directory

    Where as in git pull all latest commit/code are directly merge it to local branch

    We can switch to local repository, if we use fetch command by passing BranchName along with origin keyword

    git checkout origin/<<BranchName>>

    git checkout origin/feature/profile
    git checkout feature/profile

    We can merge the local changes to working directory, as pull using merge command and branch name along with origin keyword

    git merge origin/feature/profile

  • clean

    git clean -f

    This command will help you to clean the working directory. i,e untracked file. Where as -f stand for forcefully clean

    This command applied on the working directory, not on the Stage Area.

  • log

    git log

    This command will help you to fetch all commits logs related to respective repository

  • reflog

    git reflog

    This command will help you to fetch detailed logs with respect to local repository!


  • branch

    git branch

    This command will tell you what branch currently you on

  • create branch

    git checkout -b <<BranchName>>

    git checkout -b feature/profile 

    This command will help you to create a new branch from your current branch, and also switch to this new branch automatically.

    Here feature/profile is a new branch.

    Note : -b is used in above command to create a new branch, if we didn't mention above command it will be used to switch branches.

  • switch branch

    git checkout <<BranchName>>

    git checkout master

    This command will help you to switch between branch.

Revert Changes (mix/soft/hard)

  • reset

    git reset

    This command will help you revert the latest changes made in Stage Area.

    So all new changes will be removed from Stage Area to Working Directory. (backward process)

    This is also called as Mixed/Default/Soft Reset Mode

    Opposite to git add <<FileName>>

    NOTE : No Content is lost, it just changed from one state to another state

  • reset --soft

    git reset --soft HEAD~1

    This command will help you to revert the latest commit made in Repository Head

    So the latest commit will be removed from Repository Head to Stage Area. (backward process)

    This is also called as Soft Reset Mode

    Opposite to git commit -m "new commit message"

    --soft indicate Soft revert

    HEAD~1 indicate revert/remove 1 commit from top

    HEAD~2 indicate revert/remove 2 commits from top

    NOTE : No Content is lost, it just changed from one state to another state

  • reset --hard

    git reset --hard HEAD~1

    This command will help you to revert/remove latest commit and changes made in Repository Head

    So the latest commit will be removed from Repository Head to Working Directory. (backward process)

    This is also called as Hard Reset Mode

    Opposite to git add <<FileName>> , and git commit -m "new commit message"

    --hard indicate hard reset

    HEAD~1 indicate revert/remove 1 commit from top

    HEAD~2 indicate revert/remove 2 commits from top

    NOTE : Content is lost!!!

  • reset --hard CommitHashcode

    git reset --hard <<CommitHashcode>>

    git reset --hard 4b36eab80afd8fd7f339d0475705b9e04485502a

    This command will help to directly jump to any particular commit and remove all previous commits, without using HEAD~1/ on

  • revert (preserve log)

    git revert <<CommitHashReference>>

    git revert 9be7d71

    This command will help you to store the information for delete commit

    Basically Create new commit to Remove code from targeted commit, (Recommended over hard or soft reset command)

Merge and Rebase

  • merge

    git merge master

    This command will help you to merge the latest master code in your current branch. i,e pull the latest code in your current branch.

    Make the branch up to date with the latest master code to avoid merge conflict.

    NOTE : before using this command, make sure to update your master branch. by switching to master and pull latest code and again switch to working branch

    • Step 1. git checkout master
    • Step 2. git pull
    • Step 3. git checkout feature/profile
    • Step 4. git merge master
    • Step 5. press i to switch to insert mode
    • Step 6. add commit message
    • Step 7. once it is done, press ESC then : colon, then wq and hit enter

  • rebase

    git rebase master

    This command will help you to merge the latest master code in your current branch but in linear format.

    Difference between Normal Merge and Rebase is,

    • Rebase provide linear commit history, where in Normal Merge commits are shown in zig zag format
    • There is no extra commits in Rebase, and used to avoid extra merge commits

    NOTE : before using this command, make sure to update your master branch. by switching to master and pull latest code and again switch to working branch

    • Step 1. git checkout master
    • Step 2. git pull
    • Step 3. git checkout feature/profile
    • Step 4. git rebase master
    • Step 5. press i to switch to insert mode
    • Step 6. add commit message
    • Step 7. once it is done, press ESC then : colon, then wq and hit enter

  • squash

    git rebase -i HEAD~2

    This command will help you to combine multiple commits in a single commit.

    -i stand for interactive rebase

    HEAD~2 represent latest 2 commits from the top

    Use pick and squash keywords to combine multiple commit

    where pick is used for first commit

    for other commits we can use squash

    Note : Do rebase first, then perform squash (combine multiple commits) !!!

  • amend

    git commit --amend

    This command will help you to push pending changes to latest commit

    If you forgot to add a file in commit. (Edit last commit by adding new files)

  • amend with commit message

    git commit --amend -m <<NewCommitMessage>>

    git commit --amend -m "This is the new commit message"

    This command will help to Change/Edit the last commit message.

  • show

    git show

    This command will help you to show all files/changes you have in last commit

  • cherrypick

    git cherry-pick 4b36eab80afd8fd7f339d0475705b9e04485502a

    This command will help you to share commit between branch

    For example we have to branch X and Y, if we want to share 1 commit from X to Y

    We can copy commit HashCode from branch X and use cherry-pick in Y branch

  • troubleshoot

    git checkout <<CommitHashReference>>

    git checkout 9be7d71

    This command will help you to travel to any commit by passing HashReference of commits

    Note : This feature is allow only to troubleshoot the problem, updating is not possible as HEAD is detach

    If we want to update any code,

    • we need to create a new commit. OR
    • we can cut the branch by creating a new branch and update that branch with new code and master code by using cherry-pick.


  • bisect

    git bisect start
    git bisect bad 9be7d71
    git bisect good 4b36eab
    git bisect bad 
    git bisect good

    This command will help you find the bad commit, this command usually performs when an application is failed.

  • bisect reset

    git bisect reset

    This command will help you to get out side of bisect, and update the HEAD


  • stash

    git stash

    This command will help you to move your code in Saved Working Directory from Current Working Directory, without doing a commit. if we need to switch to any other branch without messed up code

  • stash pop

    git stash pop

    This command will help you to retrieve all saved code from Saved Working Directory to Current Working Directory.

  • diff

    git diff

    This command will help you to get content change in file


  • blame

    git blame <<FileName>>

    git blame test/

    This command will help you to get detailed information about the file, who wrote the code and time, etc.


  • create tag

    git tag <<TagName>>

    git tag v2.0 december-release

    This command will help you to create new tag, so you can attach it with latest commit

  • create tag with message

    git tag -a <<TagName>> -m <<Message>>

    git tag -a v2.0 december-release -m "Released hide profile feature"

    This command will help you to create a new tag with message, so you can attach it with latest commit

  • get all tags

    git tag

    This command will help you to get all available tags

  • push tags

    git push --tags

    This command will help you to push all tags to commits

  • push tag for perticular commit git tag <<TagName>> <<CommitHashReference>>

    git tag v1.0 november-release 4b36eab

    This command will help you to create a new tag for older or any specific commits by passing commit hash reference


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