A python framework for creating a stateful server which handles websocket functionality for an existing HTTP only API.
- A client opens a websocket connection with a High-templar instance.
- The HT instance proxies the request to the API, which in turn handles authentication and provides a list of rooms.
- The HT instance tells the client what rooms he is allowed to subscribe to.
- The client subscribes to one or more rooms
- When receiving a trigger from the API, the HT instance publishes the received data to the specified rooms.
pip install high-templar
This project is created for handling websockets for a django instance. Django doesn't support websockets out of the box. To add websocket support to Django, one can either monkey patch the Django WSGI with gevent, or use django-channels which requires a lot of configuration and needs you to manage its workers.
High-templar uses a similar approach to django-channels, but uses internal HTTP requests to communicate with the existing Django instance. High-templar keeps track of the active websocket connections, which allows the Django instance to remain stateless.
This repository is based on archon. Archon is a framework for creating full fledged websocket based CRUD APIs. High-templar is only half the framework of Archon, as it relies on an existing API and only provides pubsub.