"# OsloCityBikeAvailabilityViewer"
This application creates a simple web page showing the current availability of Oslo City Bikes, using this API https://developer.oslobysykkel.no/api.
It requires Python 3.6 with Django framework to run.
Install anaconda python 3.6: https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda3-5.1.0-Windows-x86_64.exe, https://www.anaconda.com/download/ . Install django, start the Anaconda command line prompt
PIP install django
Clone this repository. Modify oslocitybikeapiconfig.json and update "Client-Identifier": with your client identifier.
In the anaconda command line prompt type
python manage.py runserver
in the root folder. This will start the local webserver. View the webpage here:
This file contains the main functionality for reading the BySykkel API and handles the logic needed for creating the list.
Contains the top level entry point for displaying the webpage. All error handling is handled here.
This is the template page for the HTML output.
png file showing how the output will look like in Chrome.
Config file to be updated with your client identifier.