--Readme document for author(s), email(s), UCI id(s)--
- How many assignment points do you believe you completed (replace the *'s with your numbers)?
- 10/10 Created a functional web app
- 5/5 The ability to control the web app with basic gestures (1pt per gesture)
- 4/4 The ability to control the web app with at least two custom gestures
- 1/2 Following good principles of UI design
- 2/2 Creating a compelling app and application of gestures
- 2/2 A readme and demo video which explains how these features were implemented and their design rationale
How long, in hours, did it take you to complete this assignment? 72
What online resources did you consult when completing this assignment? (list specific URLs) https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-playback-sdk/quick-start/ https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-playback-sdk/reference/ https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-playback-sdk/guide/
What classmates or other individuals did you consult as part of this assignment? What did you discuss? N/A
Is there anything special we need to know in order to run your code? webserver
- npm start client
- npm start
NOTE to access the gesture component, find a track you want and click it. you should then see some states on the song as well as instructions to initiate gesture control.
NOTE make sure you started the camera in the bottom right corner
--Aim for no more than two sentences for each of the following questions.--
Did you design your app with a particular type of user in mind? If so, whom? I didn't design the app for any one user base. I took the a3 spotify assignment and extended it to include audio playback wit the added feature of gesture control
Describe the two custom gestures you created. The two custom gestures are swipe left and swipe right. There are used to go to the previous and skip to the next song, respectively. Note make sure to use an open hand and don't swipe to fast
How does your app implement or follow principles of good UI design? My app utilizes modern component libraries. With gesture control, users also have a choice of controling how they would like to interact with their music