The purpose of this repository is to create a generic visualizer for real-time graph search algorithms (A* or other).
There is no automated build yet. Included in this repo is the 0.11.0 Windows executable.
cd thrift_compiler
win-thrift.exe -gen js -gen js:node visualizer.thrift
Then, copy the gen-js
directory to /public/js/thrift
and the gen-nodejs
directory to /thrift_server
Then modify the files to export all structs and services. (This repo uses ES6 modules, but Thrift codegen apparently does not... and doesn't even "use strict")
To spin up the server:
> npm install
> npm start
(Or on windows)
> npm install
> npm run-script start-win
Then browse to localhost for the web-based visualizer.
The port for the Binary Protocol Thrift server is set as 8080 and is not command-line configurable