This project is our entry for the VIT CSI CodeFlix hackathon for Track 2. The Digital Art Gallery Platform bridges the gap between digital artists and curators by enabling the creation and management of professional virtual galleries. With an intuitive interface, curators can manage digital spaces while artists can showcase their work and discover opportunities to reach a broader audience.
flowchart TD
%% User Entry Points
subgraph UserEntry["User Entry Points"]
Gallery["Gallery Curator"]
Investor["Art Collector"]
%% Authentication
subgraph AuthFlow["Authentication Flow"]
WebApp["Web Application"]
MetaMask["MetaMask Wallet"]
Auth["Authentication Layer"]
Backend["Express Backend"]
%% Artist Flow
subgraph ArtistFlow["Artist Workflow"]
IPFS["IPFS Storage"]
Contract["Smart Contract"]
%% Gallery Flow
subgraph GalleryFlow["Gallery Workflow"]
Collections["Gallery Collections"]
%% Marketplace
subgraph MarketFlow["Marketplace Interactions"]
Market["NFT Marketplace"]
%% Purchase Flow
subgraph PurchaseFlow["NFT Purchase Flow"]
Payments["Payment Distribution"]
ArtistWallet["Artist Wallet (85%)"]
GalleryWallet["Gallery Wallet (10%)"]
Platform["Platform Wallet (5%)"]
%% Analytics & Dashboard
subgraph Analytics["Analytics & Dashboard"]
AnalyticsEngine["Analytics Engine"]
ArtistDash["Artist Dashboard"]
GalleryDash["Gallery Dashboard"]
MarketStats["Market Statistics"]
%% Connections
Artist & Gallery & Investor -->|Register/Login| WebApp
WebApp -->|Web3 Auth| MetaMask
MetaMask -->|Verify| Auth
Auth -->|JWT| Backend
Backend -->|Store User Data| DB
Artist -->|Upload Art| IPFS
IPFS -->|Get Hash| Contract
Contract -->|Mint NFT| Blockchain
Gallery -->|Curate| Collections
Collections -->|Partner with| Artist
Gallery -->|Set Commission| Contract
Blockchain -->|List NFTs| Market
Market -->|View| Investor
Market -->|Curate| Gallery
Investor -->|Buy NFT| Contract
Contract -->|Split Payment| Payments
Payments -->|85%| ArtistWallet
Payments -->|10%| GalleryWallet
Payments -->|5%| Platform
Blockchain -->|Events| AnalyticsEngine
DB -->|User Data| AnalyticsEngine
AnalyticsEngine -->|Stats| ArtistDash & GalleryDash & MarketStats
ArtistDash -->|View| Artist
GalleryDash -->|View| Gallery
MarketStats -->|View| Investor
- Complete control over virtual spaces with customizable themes.
- Set commission rates and establish submission guidelines.
- Robust tracking of gallery statistics, visitor engagement, and artist contributions.
- Support for multiple gallery configurations for diverse themes or communities.
- Comprehensive portfolio submission and application tracking.
- Real-time updates on application status and communication with curators.
- Tools to manage portfolios, set artwork prices, and control visibility.
- Integration with social media for enhanced exposure.
- Overview Tab: Essential statistics, featured artists, and recent activities.
- Artworks Tab: Grid and list viewing options with search and filtering capabilities.
- Artists Tab: Detailed artist profiles, portfolio previews, and performance metrics.
- Applications Tab: Streamlined review process with organized queue and communication tools.
- Settings Tab: Comprehensive control over gallery configurations and permissions.
- Secure sign-up/login process with role-based access control for curators and artists.
- End-to-end flow for creating and customizing galleries, managing artworks, and tracking metrics.
- Professional application system with status tracking, communication tools, and detailed submissions.
- Users, Galleries, Applications, Artists, and Artworks schemas interlinked for seamless management.
- Tab-based interface optimized for efficient gallery exploration and management.
- Framework: React.js with component-based architecture for modularity.
- Styling: Tailwind CSS for consistency, Framer Motion for smooth animations.
- Responsiveness: Optimized for devices of all sizes.
- Schemas:
- Users: Manages authentication and roles.
- Galleries: Tracks gallery configurations and associations.
- Applications: Records artist submissions and review statuses.
- Artists: Manages profiles and portfolios.
- Artworks: Stores individual artwork details and gallery associations.
- Role-based Access Control: Ensures users have permissions aligned with their roles.
- Secure Authentication: Strong protocols to protect user credentials.
- Data Validation: Ensures integrity of submitted content and user data.
- Content Moderation Tools: Maintains gallery integrity and user trust.
- Privacy Controls: Safeguards user data and communication channels.
- NFT Integration: Support for tokenized artworks.
- Virtual Gallery Tours: Immersive VR-based gallery experiences.
- Advanced Analytics: Enhanced insights into performance and engagement.
- Real-Time Notifications: Instant updates on gallery activities.
- Integrated Chat System: Seamless communication between users.
- Mobile App and PWA Support: Broadened accessibility and convenience.
The project is currently in active development, with a focus on core feature implementation and optimization. It is designed for scalability, maintainability, and an exceptional user experience.
This project is closed for external contributions. For inquiries or potential collaboration, please contact the development team.
All rights reserved. This project is proprietary and confidential.
This documentation will evolve as the project progresses. Stay tuned for updates.