the requirements can be installed via the file or see the sections below for manual installation.
./ -e
- ansible
- git
- golang
- make
- python3
- botocore
- boto3
- boto
- configparser
- jsonschema
- cfn-lint
- git-remote-codecommit
- rain (formerly cfn-format)
sudo apt install -y git golang-go python3-pip python3-venv
# create and activate virtual environment
python -m venv ~/.aaf && source ~/.aaf/bin/activate
# create a virtual environment
pyenv virtualenv aaf && pyenv activate aaf
# install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
go install
this project uses make to facilitate commands
Ansible roles are used to configure and deploy application modules
There are two available linters, one for the ansible code and the other for cloudformation templates.
The below command will run all linters
make lint
- Ansible Liint ansible-lint
make lint-ansible
make lint-cfn
The available plays
- setup
- infra
- network
- compute
- lambda
make deploy PLAY=<play> ENV=<env> REGION=<region> [ EXVARS=<extra_vars> ]
make deploy PLAY=setup PREFIX=qp-wizzard ENV=wtf REGION=us-west-2