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maciejka committed Aug 2, 2024
1 parent 1d7a9fa commit b8692a7
Showing 1 changed file with 12 additions and 21 deletions.
33 changes: 12 additions & 21 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@
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## About
## Overview

Raito is a zero-knowledge Bitcoin client implemented in Cairo. It aims to provide trustless validation of the Bitcoin blockchain through STARK proof verification. It is heavily inspired by [ZeroSync]( project.

**Disclaimer:** This project is in the early stages of development and should not be used in production. It will evolve rapidly, expect breaking changes.

Raito at its core accepts two inputs: batch of consequitive blocks n..m and STARK proof of the state of the chain up to block n - 1. It makes sure that the historical chain state is valid by verifing STARK proof of it, then produces a new chain state by applying new blocks of top of historical state. As a result a proof of a new state is generated.

flowchart TB
Pnm1(STARK proof of the chain state<br>up to the block <i>n - 1</i>) --> Vp(zk verifier)
Expand All @@ -34,28 +38,15 @@ style Vp fill:gold
style Vb fill:gold

Raito accepts two inputs:
- batch of consequitive blocks n..m
- STARK proof of the state of the chain up to block n - 1
It makes sure that the previous chain state is valid by verifing STARK proof of it, then produces a new chain state by applying blocks. As a result a proof of a new state is generated.
## Applications
Although this is a highly experimental project without immediate plans for deployment, there are many potential applications:
* light clients
* IBC speedup
* noncustodial bridges
* layer 2s

## Roadmap
### Milestone 1
### Milestone 2

> **Disclaimer:** This project is in the early stages of development and should not be used in production. It will evolve rapidly, expect breaking changes.

Design goals:

- **Usability:** One-click install and run. WebAssembly compatibility for browser-based execution.
- **Maintainability:** Emphasis on simplicity and clean code structure.
- **Performance:** Optimized for speed and efficiency, leveraging STWO's next-generation prover.

- [] abc

## Name reference

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