This is a implementation of algorithms in Chen et al (2014) and Chen, Gupta and Li (2016).
These algorithms return an optimal solution with high probability from bases of matroid in multi-armed-bandit setting.
CLUCB was proposed by Chen et al (2014), and Exact-ExpGap was proposed by Chen, Gupta and Li (2016).
I experiment with graphical matroid, so these algorithms return the maximum spanning tree of Graph
- Give large weight to only one spanning tree
- CLUCB returns the optimal solution in one loop.
- The number of samples in Exact-ExpGap increases due to
$\Delta_e$ if the number of edges is increased.
- Give randamized weight to edges
- Exact-ExpGap retuns the optimal solution quickly than CLUCB.
- CLUCB can returns the optimal solution in one loop if the weight are distributed in small overlap, otherwise it doesn’t converge easily.