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Releases: kelltom/OS-Bot-COLOR


14 May 21:34
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This is a slight rebrand to the new name: OS Bot COLOR.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.6.0-alpha...v0.7.0-alpha


13 May 17:50
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Upgrades to UI, OCR, Sprite Scraper, & More

NOTE: If you are upgrading to this version, please reinstall dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt.

This update introduces a bunch of QoL improvements. Behind the scenes, we've cleaned up the Sprite Scraper to use an official API instead of scraping HTML, and OCR has received some reliability enhancements.

On the surface, the UI has seen some long-awaited improvements, such as scrollable frames, tooltips, and better fonts.



What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.5.1-alpha...v0.6.0-alpha

v0.5.1-alpha (bugfix)

12 Mar 15:51
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This update fixes an issue involving the game_launcher utility attempting to launch new versions of RuneLite with deprecated arguments.

Pull Requests

Full Changelog: v0.5.0-alpha...v0.5.1-alpha


05 Mar 00:22
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Added Support for RuneLite Profile Manager

This update addresses RuneLite update, which introduces the Profile Manager feature. The game_launcher utility can now launch RuneLite using this new manager, as well as the legacy method.

Some significant changes were made to the structure of this file, and how the utility is used. Scripts that offer a custom-launch tool will need to be revised.

Example usage:

import utilities.game_launcher as launcher
# Example usage for OSRS, using Profile Manager
# Launch the game
    profile_name="OSBCCombat",  # Supply a profile name if you'd like to save it to the Profile Manager

In this example, we are loading a typical .properties file into RuneLite's Profile Manager, where it will exist as OSBCCombat. This is useful for those who want to swap between bots that require custom settings. You won't need to launch via OSBC every time you change scripts; instead, you can just swap the profile from this menu.


Alternatively, you can choose not to provide a name, and it will be saved as a temp profile instead.

Pull Requests

Full Changelog: v0.4.1-alpha...v0.5.0-alpha

v0.4.1-alpha (bugfix)

13 Feb 20:58
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This update fixes an issue with the Sprite Scraper that was improperly cropping images for image search usage in bank interfaces. This update also improves that algorithm by adding padding to the bank image to better cover its containing bank slot.


What's Changed

  • Fixed Sprite Scraper bank variant algorithm by @kelltom in #137

Full Changelog: v0.4.0-alpha...v0.4.1-alpha


12 Feb 20:10
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How to Upgrade

For those who are upgrading to this release, be sure to run pip install -r requirements.txt to update dependencies.
This update will not have side effects on your existing scripts. It is safe to merge.

What's New

We have a fancy new Sprite Scraper feature (thanks to @oliverpatrick for the initial legwork). You can use the main menu GUI to launch the Sprite Scraper interface to easily download images from the OSRS Wiki!

NOTE: This feature does not work well with IPv6. If you are having issues, simply disable IPv6 on your computer.



You can also use this utility directly from your scripts. This allows you to share scripts with others without having to bundle images with them!

scraper = SpriteScraper()
    search_string = "molten glass, bucket of sand",
    image_type = 1,
    destination = imsearch.BOT_IMAGES.joinpath("bank"),
    notify_callback = self.log_msg,

Lastly, an experimental patch has been added as a workaround for the issue where OCR fails within right-click menus.

Pull Requests

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.3.8-alpha...v0.4.0-alpha


08 Feb 02:43
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What's Changed

  • Allow list of ids when checking equipped items by @Rurquhart in #129
    • Useful for checking if you're wearing charged jewelry
  • Add inventory full check for Morg API by @Rurquhart in #131
    • Replaces the need to use StatusSocket plugin for this feature
  • Add Rectangle sorting key function and improve RuneLiteBot loot function by @dubalols in #130
    • Looting is now less janky, Rectangles can be sorted based on distance from player

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.3.7-alpha...v0.3.8-alpha


04 Feb 01:33
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This update offers a small (but significant) bug fix involving the self.stop() function, as well as a potential fix for the false-positive keylogger flagging some users have reported from Windows Defender. FYI, antivirus was being triggered by OSBC's new settings feature, which allows users to record custom key binds for starting/stopping bots.

What's Changed

  • Fixed the Bot.stop() function from failing when called explicitly within script by @kelltom in #125
  • Potential fix for false-positive antivirus trigger by @gabrielfoo in #126

Full Changelog: v0.3.6-alpha...v0.3.7-alpha


29 Jan 00:15
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This update adds a few QoL features!

There is now a settings window that lets you change the key bind for starting/stopping bots!


All bots now have a camera movement function:

# Rotate camera 180 degrees to the left, and 90 degrees up
self.move_camera(horizontal = -180, vertical = 90):

You can now reliably check if a mouse click had a red X:

    print("The click had a red X")


Some improvements were made to the Morg API utility:

# You can check the most recent message in the chat box
print(f"Latest chat message: {api.get_latest_chat_message()}")
# You can also check if you have an item equipped, and its quantity
print(f"Is bronze axe equipped?: {api.get_is_item_equipped(ids.BRONZE_AXE)}")
print(f"How many bronze arrows equipped?: {api.get_equipped_item_quantity(ids.BRONZE_ARROW)}")

What's Changed

Minor Fixes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.3.5-alpha...v0.3.6-alpha

v0.3.5-alpha (bugfix)

20 Jan 23:16
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Some type annotation inconsistencies were fixed which could have caused some runtime errors for some people. This fix is safe to pull into projects with custom scripts. If you aren't having issues with your current build, you can ignore this update.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.3.4-alpha...v0.3.5-alpha