Welcome to the Planty WordPress Site project! This project is part of my studies at Openclassrooms and aims to create a website for the Planty brand, which specializes in plant-based energy drinks.
Before installing the project, please ensure you have the following prerequisites:
- PHP 8.1+
- Composer 2.5+
- WP-CLI 2.8+
- MySQL 5.7+
Follow the steps below to install the project:
- Clone the repository using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/kent13n/oc-project-6.git
- Install the project dependencies using Composer by running the following command:
composer install
Create the .env file by using the example file .env.example as a reference. Make sure to configure the environment variables accordingly.
Install the WordPress site by running the following command:
wp core install --title="Planty" --url=planty.local --admin_name=admin --admin_password=admin --admin_email=planty.drinks@gmail.com
- Active the main theme
wp theme activate planty
- Active plugin gutenberg forms
wp plugin activate gutenberg-forms
- Run the migrations to set up the necessary database tables and data by running the following command:
wp migrate
- Regenerate images
wp media regenerate
To use the Planty WordPress site, simply navigate to the configured URL (e.g., planty.local
) in your web browser. You can then access the WordPress admin dashboard using the provided admin credentials.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
The Planty WordPress Site project is developed and maintained by Kent13n.