此项目是使用goland语音开发的一个aws lambda 函数,用于处理视频添加logo
This project is an aws lambda function developed by goland voice, which is used to process video and add logo
variables | Description |
AwsAccessKey | You aws ak |
AwsSecretKey | You aws sk |
AwsRegion | The region where AWS ,like "us-east-1" |
Bucket | Name of aws s3 bucket |
GOOS=linux CGO_ENABLED=0 go build main.go
zip -r video-watermark.zip main assets
"channel": "",
"name": "@kenxu1234",
"key": "video/258_1706586088.mp4",
aws: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/zh_cn/lambda/latest/dg/golang-package.html#golang-package-libraries
ffmpeg: https://github.com/rpidanny/ffmpeg-lambda-layer