This repo is only a snapshot to show my Rust learning speed, the applicability of my non-Rust background to Rust programming, and knowledge of Rust features. This is not a port so some time went into logic, too. (this repo) (latest version but not time tracking any more)
If run with no args, it will listen for uploads.
With args it will send a file. (It does not exit when it's done, and it may stall as there is no timer yet.)
cargo build
./target/debug/udp_uploader &
sleep 1
./target/debug/udp_uploader /etc/passwd
should result in a file called "f000.." with the same content
* retransmission
* transmission window scaling
* recovery from complete stall
* use real hash
* use larger than 32 byte blocks (damn serde limit!)
* tail end of transfer has a lot of dups
* better variable names
* reduce code duplication and break up long receive() function