Moe is a set of C++ classes that simplifies the creation of an OpenGL application. It provides a easy method to load shaders and textures using a TOML file provided. It allows developers to focus on creating the application rather than micro-managing each file.
The example below shows how to create a small OpenGL-based app called MyApplication. First, create create settings.toml as shown below.
# The shader program will be named shader1
vert = "vert_shader.vert"
frag = "frag_shader.frag"
# The texture will be named texture1
texture1 = "dirt.jpg"
Then, create class MyApplication and inherit class Engine. Implement the virtual functions.
# include "Engine.h"
class MyApplication : public moe::Engine
void RendorScene(); // Render the scene in each frame
void ProcessKeyEvents(); // Implement logic for key inputs
void ProcessMouseEvents(); // Implement logic for mouse inputs
void Initialize(); // Configure shaders, load models etc
void MyApplication::RendorScene()
// The base class Engine uses map and unique pointer manage shader and
// textures. Next line shows how to use a shader program."shader1")->Activate();
// Similarly, to activate a texture, use the following code.
unsigned int texture_unit = 0;"texture1")->Activate(texture_unit);
// Finally, we rendor an object that we created."object1")->Rendor();
Finally, in main.cpp, run MyApplication as such:
#include "MyApplication.h"
int main ()
// some code above
GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(1280, 768, "Window", NULL, NULL);
MyApplication app(window, "settings.toml");
// some code below
It is recommended to take a look at the header files to understand what each class does.
Moe is depended on various libraries. Remember to link them in your source code.
Library | Description |
GLFW | Window creation and mouse/keyboard inputs |
glad | Modern OpenGL loader/generator |
glm | Linear algebra for computer graphics |
stb | Loading image files for texture generation |
toml++ | Reading settings from a TOML file |
Note: stb is quite a large library. Moe only uses stb_image.h