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Add funnctions of crosstalk neighbour finding
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Zhibo WU committed Mar 21, 2024
1 parent 1122f7d commit d294521
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Showing 2 changed files with 301 additions and 0 deletions.
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions detectorCommon/include/detectorCommon/xtalk_k4geo.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@

// k4geo
#include "detectorSegmentations/FCCSWGridPhiEta_k4geo.h"
#include "detectorSegmentations/FCCSWGridPhiTheta_k4geo.h"
#include "detectorSegmentations/FCCSWGridModuleThetaMerged_k4geo.h"

// DD4hep
#include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
#include "DD4hep/Segmentations.h"
#include "DDSegmentation/BitFieldCoder.h"
// Include GridPhiEta from dd4hep once eta calculation is fixed
//#include "DDSegmentation/GridPhiEta.h"
#include "DDSegmentation/CartesianGridXY.h"
#include "DDSegmentation/CartesianGridXYZ.h"
#include "DDSegmentation/PolarGridRPhi.h"

// Geant
#include "G4Step.hh"

#include "CLHEP/Vector/ThreeVector.h"

#include "TGeoManager.h"

/** Given a XML element with several daughters with the same name, e.g.
<detector> <layer name="1" /> <layer name="2"> </detector>
this method returns the first daughter of type nodeName whose attribute has a given value
e.g. returns <layer name="2"/> when called with (detector, "layer", "name", "1") */
namespace det {
namespace xtalk {

/** Special version of the crosstalk neighbours function for the readout with module and theta merged cells
* Compared to the standard version, it needs a reference to the segmentation class to
* access the number of merged cells per layer. The other parameters and return value are the same
* @param[in] aSeg Reference to the segmentation object.
* @param[in] aDecoder Handle to the bitfield decoder.
* @param[in] aFieldNames Names of the fields for which neighbours are found.
* @param[in] aFieldExtremes Minimal and maximal values for the fields.
* @param[in] aCellId ID of cell.
* return Vector of neighbours and cross talk coefficients.
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, double>> xtalk_neighbours_ModuleThetaMerged(const dd4hep::DDSegmentation::FCCSWGridModuleThetaMerged_k4geo& aSeg,
const dd4hep::DDSegmentation::BitFieldCoder& aDecoder,
const std::vector<std::string>& aFieldNames,
const std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>>& aFieldExtremes,
uint64_t aCellId);
// debug: return cell position
std::vector<int> xtalk_get_cell_position(const dd4hep::DDSegmentation::FCCSWGridModuleThetaMerged_k4geo& aSeg,
const dd4hep::DDSegmentation::BitFieldCoder& aDecoder,
const std::vector<std::string>& aFieldNames,
uint64_t aCellId);
#endif /* DETCOMMON_XTALK_H */
245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions detectorCommon/src/xtalk_k4geo.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
#include "detectorCommon/DetUtils_k4geo.h"
#include "detectorCommon/xtalk_k4geo.h"

// DD4hep
#include "DDG4/Geant4Mapping.h"
#include "DDG4/Geant4VolumeManager.h"

// Geant
#include "G4NavigationHistory.hh"

#include "TGeoBBox.h"

#define MM_2_CM 1.0
#define MM_2_CM 0.1

#include <iostream>

#include <unordered_set>

namespace det {
namespace xtalk {

// use it for module-theta merged readout (FCCSWGridModuleThetaMerged_k4geo)
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, double>> xtalk_neighbours_ModuleThetaMerged(const dd4hep::DDSegmentation::FCCSWGridModuleThetaMerged_k4geo& aSeg,
const dd4hep::DDSegmentation::BitFieldCoder& aDecoder,
const std::vector<std::string>& aFieldNames,
const std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>>& aFieldExtremes_layer,
uint64_t aCellId) {

std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, double>> xtalk_neighbours;

// check that field names and extremes have the proper length
if (aFieldNames.size() != 3 || aFieldExtremes_layer[0].size()!=3) {
std::cout << "ERROR: the vectors aFieldNames and aFieldSizes should be of length = 3, corresponding to the theta/module/layer fields" << std::endl;
std::cout << "ERROR: will return empty neighbour map" << std::endl;
return xtalk_neighbours;
// find index of layer, module and theta in the field name vector
int idModuleField(-1);
int idThetaField(-1);
int idLayerField(-1);
for (uint itField = 0; itField < aFieldNames.size(); itField++) {
if (aFieldNames[itField] == aSeg.fieldNameModule())
idModuleField = (int) itField;
else if (aFieldNames[itField] == aSeg.fieldNameTheta())
idThetaField = (int) itField;
else if (aFieldNames[itField] == aSeg.fieldNameLayer())
idLayerField = (int) itField;

if (idModuleField < 0) {
std::cout << "WARNING: module field " << aSeg.fieldNameModule() << " not found in aFieldNames vector" << std::endl;
std::cout << "WARNING: will return empty neighbour map" << std::endl;
return xtalk_neighbours;
if (idThetaField < 0) {
std::cout << "WARNING: theta field " << aSeg.fieldNameTheta() << " not found in aFieldNames vector" << std::endl;
std::cout << "WARNING: will return empty neighbour map" << std::endl;
return xtalk_neighbours;
if (idLayerField < 0) {
std::cout << "WARNING: layer field " << aSeg.fieldNameLayer() << " not found in aFieldNames vector" << std::endl;
std::cout << "WARNING: will return empty neighbour map" << std::endl;
return xtalk_neighbours;

double dummy_xtalk=0;
double dummy_xtalk_radial=0.35; // type 1
double dummy_xtalk_theta=0.25; // type 2
double dummy_xtalk_diagonal=0.05; // type 3
double dummy_xtalk_tower=0.15; // type 4

// retrieve layer/module/theta of cell under study
int layer_id = aDecoder.get(aCellId, aFieldNames[idLayerField]);
//int module_id = aDecoder.get(aCellId, aFieldNames[idModuleField]);
int theta_id = aDecoder.get(aCellId, aFieldNames[idThetaField]);

int layer_indice_offset = layer_id - aFieldExtremes_layer[0][idLayerField].first;

// now find crosstalk neighbours
dd4hep::DDSegmentation::CellID cID = aCellId;

// for neighbours across different layers, we have to take into
// account that merging along module and/or theta could be different
// so one cell in layer N could be neighbour to several in layer N+-1
// The cells are classified in a different way whether they are
// direct neighbours (common surface), diagonal neighbours (common edge or vertex)
// or neither.
// To decide this, we need to check how the cells are related in both directions:
// neighbours (edge at least partially in common), diagonal neigbours (common vertex),
// none
for (int deltaLayer = -1; deltaLayer<2; deltaLayer+=2) {

// no neighbours in layer N-1 for innermost layer
if (layer_id == aFieldExtremes_layer[layer_indice_offset][idLayerField].first && deltaLayer<0) continue;
// and in layer N+1 for outermost layer
if (layer_id == aFieldExtremes_layer[layer_indice_offset][idLayerField].second && deltaLayer>0) continue;

// set layer field of neighbour cell
aDecoder.set(cID, aSeg.fieldNameLayer(), layer_id + deltaLayer);

// find the neighbour(s) in module and theta
// if the numbers of module (theta) merged cells across 2 layers are the
// same then we just take the same module (theta) ID
// otherwise, we need to do some math to account for the different mergings
// note: even if number of merged cells in layer-1 is larger, a cell
// in layer could neighbour more than one cell in layer-1 if the merged
// cells are not aligned, for example if cells are grouped by 3 in a layer
// and by 4 in the next one, cell 435 in the former (which groups together
// 435-436-437) will be neighbour to cells 432 and 436 of the latter
// this might introduce duplicates, we will remove them later
// another issue is that it could add spurious cells beyond the maximum module number
// to prevent this we would need to know the max module number in layer -1
// which would require modifying this function passing the extrema for all layers
// instead of the extrema only for a certain layer
// this border effect is also present in the original method..
for (int i=-1; i <= aSeg.mergedThetaCells(layer_id); i++) {
int theta_id_neighbour = (theta_id + i) - ((theta_id + i) % aSeg.mergedThetaCells(layer_id+deltaLayer));
// Do we need to check if the index neighbour theta is valid?
if (theta_id_neighbour >= theta_id && theta_id_neighbour < (theta_id + aSeg.mergedThetaCells(layer_id))) { // crosstalk neighbour type 1
dummy_xtalk = dummy_xtalk_radial;
else if (theta_id_neighbour < theta_id && theta_id_neighbour > (theta_id - aSeg.mergedThetaCells(layer_id+deltaLayer))) { // crosstalk neighbour type 1
dummy_xtalk = dummy_xtalk_radial;
else if (theta_id_neighbour == (theta_id + aSeg.mergedThetaCells(layer_id))) { // crosstalk neighbour type 3
dummy_xtalk = dummy_xtalk_diagonal;
else if (theta_id_neighbour == (theta_id - aSeg.mergedThetaCells(layer_id+deltaLayer))) { // crosstalk neighbour type 3
dummy_xtalk = dummy_xtalk_diagonal;
else continue;

// check if neighbour theta index is valid
if (theta_id_neighbour < aFieldExtremes_layer[layer_indice_offset + deltaLayer][idThetaField].first || theta_id_neighbour > aFieldExtremes_layer[layer_indice_offset + deltaLayer][idThetaField].second) continue;
aDecoder.set(cID, aSeg.fieldNameTheta(), theta_id_neighbour);
xtalk_neighbours.emplace_back(std::make_pair(cID, dummy_xtalk));

// cross talk neighbour type 2
// for neighbours in module/theta direction at same layer_id, do +-nMergedCells instead of +-1
// reset cellID
aDecoder.set(cID, aSeg.fieldNameLayer(), layer_id);
aDecoder.set(cID, aSeg.fieldNameTheta(), theta_id);
// loop over theta cells
for (int i=-1; i<=1; i+=2) {
// calculate theta_id of neighbour
int theta_id_neighbour = theta_id + i*aSeg.mergedThetaCells(layer_id);
// check if it is within the theta range of the layer
if (
(theta_id_neighbour < aFieldExtremes_layer[layer_indice_offset][idThetaField].first) ||
(theta_id_neighbour > aFieldExtremes_layer[layer_indice_offset][idThetaField].second)
) continue;
// set theta_id of cell ID
aDecoder[aSeg.fieldNameTheta()].set(cID, theta_id + i*aSeg.mergedThetaCells(layer_id));
xtalk_neighbours.emplace_back(std::make_pair(cID, dummy_xtalk_theta));

// cross talk type 4
// reset cellID
aDecoder.set(cID, aSeg.fieldNameLayer(), layer_id);
aDecoder.set(cID, aSeg.fieldNameTheta(), theta_id);
for (int loopLayer = aFieldExtremes_layer[0][idLayerField].first; loopLayer<=aFieldExtremes_layer[0][idLayerField].second; loopLayer++) {
// cells in adjacent layers have been studied, skip
if ((loopLayer - layer_id) <= 1 && (loopLayer - layer_id) >= -1) continue;
aDecoder.set(cID, aSeg.fieldNameLayer(), loopLayer);
int loopLayer_indice_offset = loopLayer - aFieldExtremes_layer[0][idLayerField].first;
// find crosstalk neighbours in the same theta tower
for (int i=-1; i <= aSeg.mergedThetaCells(layer_id); i++) {
int theta_id_neighbour = (theta_id + i) - ((theta_id + i) % aSeg.mergedThetaCells(loopLayer));
// check if the neighbour theta index is valid
if (theta_id_neighbour >= theta_id && theta_id_neighbour < (theta_id + aSeg.mergedThetaCells(layer_id)) && theta_id_neighbour>=aFieldExtremes_layer[loopLayer_indice_offset][idThetaField].first && theta_id_neighbour<=aFieldExtremes_layer[loopLayer_indice_offset][idThetaField].second) { // crosstalk neighbour type 4
dummy_xtalk = dummy_xtalk_tower;
aDecoder.set(cID, aSeg.fieldNameTheta(), theta_id_neighbour);
xtalk_neighbours.emplace_back(std::make_pair(cID, dummy_xtalk));
else if (theta_id_neighbour < theta_id && theta_id_neighbour > (theta_id - aSeg.mergedThetaCells(loopLayer)) && theta_id_neighbour>=aFieldExtremes_layer[loopLayer_indice_offset][idThetaField].first && theta_id_neighbour<=aFieldExtremes_layer[loopLayer_indice_offset][idThetaField].second) { // crosstalk neighbour type 4
dummy_xtalk = dummy_xtalk_tower;
aDecoder.set(cID, aSeg.fieldNameTheta(), theta_id_neighbour);
xtalk_neighbours.emplace_back(std::make_pair(cID, dummy_xtalk));
else continue;

// remove duplicates
std::vector<uint64_t> sort_neighbours;
std::vector<std::pair<uint64_t, double>> new_neighbours;
for (auto &i : xtalk_neighbours)
bool IsNewNeighbour=true;
for (unsigned int i_loop=0; i_loop<sort_neighbours.size(); i_loop++)
if (sort_neighbours[i_loop]==i.first)
if (IsNewNeighbour)

return xtalk_neighbours;

// return cell position, a function used for debug purpose
std::vector<int> xtalk_get_cell_position(const dd4hep::DDSegmentation::FCCSWGridModuleThetaMerged_k4geo& aSeg,
const dd4hep::DDSegmentation::BitFieldCoder& aDecoder,
const std::vector<std::string>& aFieldNames,
uint64_t aCellId) {

// find index of layer, module and theta in the field names vector
int idModuleField(-1);
int idThetaField(-1);
int idLayerField(-1);
for (uint itField = 0; itField < aFieldNames.size(); itField++) {
if (aFieldNames[itField] == aSeg.fieldNameModule())
idModuleField = (int) itField;
else if (aFieldNames[itField] == aSeg.fieldNameTheta())
idThetaField = (int) itField;
else if (aFieldNames[itField] == aSeg.fieldNameLayer())
idLayerField = (int) itField;
// retrieve layer/module/theta of the cell under study
int layer_id = aDecoder.get(aCellId, aFieldNames[idLayerField]);
int module_id = aDecoder.get(aCellId, aFieldNames[idModuleField]);
int theta_id = aDecoder.get(aCellId, aFieldNames[idThetaField]);
std::vector<int> cell_position;
return cell_position;


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