A collection of Ionic Snippets, Code Pens and Fiddles
As any other developer who is learning a new technology or tool, I faced difficulties in developing my first Ionic app. Guys at Ionic are awesome and have provided help whenever I needed to solve my issues and doubts.
To help other learns like me, I am creating this repository to have a collection of all useful snippets.
- https://github.com/domiSchenk/ionic-Select-Control - SelectBox for Ionic
- https://github.com/monospaced/angular-elastic - Elastic Input Box
- http://codepen.io/rossmartin/pen/XJmpQr - Elastic Chat Example
- https://github.com/alongubkin/angular-datepicker - Date And Time Picker
- https://github.com/rajeshwarpatlolla/ionic-timepicker - Time Picker
- https://github.com/mhartington/ion-md-input - Material Design Input Text Boxes
- https://github.com/sn0opr/ionic-autocomplete - Text Input Auto Complete
- https://github.com/mhartington/ionic-gestures - Example for Ionic Gestures
- https://github.com/paveisistemas/ionic-image-lazy-load - Lazy loding of images
- https://github.com/JrSchild/jr-crop - Image Crop for Ionic
- https://github.com/mhartington/angular-responsive-img - Responsive Images
- http://codepen.io/matthoiland/pen/vHFCk - Wonderful Slide Menu
- http://codepen.io/mhartington/pen/uspzb - Peeking Side Menu
- http://codepen.io/gnomeontherun/pen/tbvdH - Side Menu with Tabs - Version 1
- http://codepen.io/mircobabini/pen/gLkli - Side Menu with Tabs - Version 2
- http://forum.ionicframework.com/t/renaming-android-build-apk-from-cordovaapp-to-your-app-name/ - Change App Name
- https://github.com/AnalogJ/matchmedia-ng - Match Media Wrapper for AngularJS
- https://github.com/brentvatne/flix - Ionic Tinder
- https://github.com/tyvdh/basic-ionic-timer - Timer for Ionic
- http://codepen.io/ionic/pen/AjgEB - App Tour
- http://codepen.io/ionic/pen/CbBsA - Signin before app
- https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-Cordova-Plugin - PayPal plugin for Cordova
- http://codepen.io/anon/pen/Cychk - Auto Fit Popover Menu Items
- http://codepen.io/calendee/pen/Kcxaw - Dynamic Slides
- http://codepen.io/zarko/pen/OPMdxY/ - Improved Dynamic Slides
- http://codepen.io/perrygovier/pen/uJdBH - Bade on Tabs