Khipu clients for iOS bumped to 2.8.0
Khipu client for android bumped to 2.7.6
Khipu clients for android bumped to 2.7.5 and iOS bumped to 2.7.7
Khipu clients for android bumped to 2.7.4 and iOS bumped to 2.7.6
Khipu clients for iOS bumped to 2.7.5
Khipu clients for android bumped to 2.7.3 and iOS bumped to 2.7.4
Khipu clients for android and iOS bumped to 2.7.2
Information about the sourceCompatibility and targetCompatibility options
Suggest to use the Android Gradle plugin Upgrade Assistant
First version of the Flutter plugin for Khipu, it implements the screens needed for a payer to authorize payments in iOS and Android devices