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A new Flutter plugin project.

Installing the plugin

Add this plugin to your dependencies

flutter pub add flutter_khipu

Then get the dependency

flutter pub get

Platform setup


At this moment there is no need for special setup for iOS development



Add the Khipu repository to the android/build.gralde file

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Note that the google() and mavenCentral() repos are usually already added.


If you are still using jetifier please add jackson-core to the list of ignored jars by adding the line

android.jetifier.ignorelist = jackson-core

to the android/ file

Gradle plugins

Khipu needs the Kotlin Android Gradle Plugin to be at least 1.9.0, so please make sure the file android/settings.gradle has at least that version

plugins {
    id "" version "1.9.0" apply false


import 'package:flutter_khipu/flutter_khipu.dart';


KhipuResult? result =
    await FlutterKhipu().startOperation(KhipuStartOperationOptions(
                                            operationId: "<string>", // The unique identifier of the payment intent
                                            title: "<string>", // Text to show in the top bar
                                            titleImageUrl: "<string>", // Image to show centered in the top bar (it replaces the title)
                                            locale: "<string>", // Regional settings for the interface language. The standard format combines an ISO 639-1 language code and an ISO 3166 country code. For example, "es_CL" for Spanish (Chile).
                                            skipExitPage: false, // If true, skips the exit page at the end of the payment process, whether successful or failed.
                                            showFooter: true, // If true, a message is displayed with a Khipu logo
                                            theme: "<string>", // The theme of the interface, can be light, dark or system
                                            colors: KhipuColors(
                                                lightBackground: "<hexColor>", //Optional General background color in light mode
                                                lightOnBackground: "<hexColor>", //Optional Color of elements on the general background in light mode
                                                lightPrimary: "<hexColor>", //Optional Primary color in light mode.
                                                lightOnPrimary: "<hexColor>", //Optional Color of elements on the primary color in light mode.
                                                lightTopBarContainer: "<hexColor>", //Optional Background color for the top bar in light mode.
                                                lightOnTopBarContainer: "<hexColor>", //Optional Color of the elements on the top bar in light mode.
                                                darkBackground: "<hexColor>", //Optional General background color in dark mode
                                                darkOnBackground: "<hexColor>", //Optional Color of elements on the general background in dark mode
                                                darkPrimary: "<hexColor>", //Optional Primary color in dark mode.
                                                darkOnPrimary: "<hexColor>", //Optional Color of elements on the primary color in dark mode.
                                                darkTopBarContainer: "<hexColor>", //Optional Background color for the top bar in dark mode.
                                                darkOnTopBarContainer: "<hexColor>", //Optional Color of the elements on the top bar in dark mode.

The KhipuResult object will contain the following fields.

  • operationId : String The unique identifier for the payment intent.
  • exitTitle : String Title that will be displayed to the user on the exit screen, reflecting the outcome of the operation.
  • exitMessage : String Message that will be displayed to the user, providing additional details about the outcome of the operation.
  • exitUrl : String URL to which the application will return at the end of the process.
  • result : String General outcome of the operation, possible values are:
    • OK : Success
    • ERROR : Error
    • WARNING : Warnings
    • CONTINUE : Operation needs more steps
  • failureReason : String (Optional) Describes the reason for the failure, if the operation was not successful.
  • continueUrl : String (Optional) Available only when the result is "CONTINUE", indicating the URL to follow to continue the operation.
  • events : Array The steps taken to generate the payment, with their timestamps.